☁︎Mini Trip☁︎

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Y/N and Wilbur ended up staying at the park till nightfall, the two had been so caught up in their conversations that they didn't notice the time passing by.

"You know, you kinda remind me of an old friend of mine." Wilbur said, tilting his head to Y/N as he continued to strum a nice melody on his guitar.

"Really?" Y/N asked, "How so?"

Wilbur stared into their eyes, a small grin appearing on his face as he shuffled slightly closer to them. "I dunno, but I can assure you it's for a good reason." He said, Y/N smiled at him and he returned the gesture.

"We should probably get going now." Y/N said, standing up and stretching. Wilbur nodded in agreement as he stood up himself.

"Want me to walk you back?" He asked. Y/N nodded, the air was colder than hours before and it was darker.

The two made pointless conversation as Wilbur walked Y/N back to their dorm room. "Goodnight, I'll see you tomorrow." Wilbur said.

"Night, see you tomorrow." Y/N replied, waving to him as they entered the room, he walked down the hall and entered his own room.

"Y/N!" Niki said as they entered the room, "You had me worried sick! You didn't tell me where you were!"

"I know, I'm sorry. I was with Wilbur, I'm sorry that I worried you." Y/N replied. Niki sighed and opened her arms, it was an invitation for a hug. Y/N accepted it and wrapped their arms around Niki.

"Did you wanna go grab some dinner? We can get some from the dining hall or we can go get some McDonald's." Niki asked.

"Uh, how about we get some from the dining hall?" Y/N suggested. Niki agreed and the two left their room.

"Niki, I think you're too sweet." Y/N said, Niki had offered to pay for their food. And she also offered to help someone else with their food.

"Really? Thanks, Y/N." Niki said, she had a small blush on her face as she smiled to Y/N, "I'm just doing what I want others to do to me, kindness gets paid in kindness."

"Niki I'm actually going to explode." Y/N said, the two had just gotten to sit down. They had also started eating their food.

"Well don't do that." Niki said. she giggled a bit afterwards, making Y/N chuckle along with her.

"I think I'm going to start calling you Honey." Y/N said, they rested their head on their hand. Niki tilted her head towards them and Y/N could see the small blush forming across her face and on the tips of her ears.

"Wh-what?" She stuttered, Y/N grinned at her. Y/N leaned across the table and lightly tapped her nose.

"Boop." Y/N said. Niki stopped all thoughts in her head as she stared blankly at Y/N. "I'm sor-" Y/N began, but was quickly cut off.

"And you say I'm the cute one." Niki teased, giggling as Y/N blushed and quickly looked away and avoided eye contact (I woke up today and decided to be a Niki simp).

"Niki I fucking love you." Y/N said.

"Aw, I love you too!" She responded. The two friends finished their food and left the dining hall, going back to their dorm and saying goodnight to each other.

The next day was the last day of summer, and then the next would be the first day of school. And so, Niki and Y/N had planned a hangout with Wilbur and his twin brother, Techno.

"Ready?" Niki asked. She wore an oversized pastel green hoodie and black leggings, along with her white shoes.

"Yep." Y/N replied, they wore a white hoodie and black pants. The two left their dorm and met up with Techno and Wilbur in the front room.

Wilbur wore a black crewneck with a white button up shirt underneath, he also had black ripped jeans.

Techno had a white button up shirt with a red renaissance sash. He had long pink hair tied in a braid. He also had black pants, and plenty of jewelry. Y/N's favorite part of the outfit was the little dangling crown earrings.

"Hello!" Niki said, getting the boys' attention. Wilbur waved to her and Y/N while techno gave the two a subtle nod.

"Where to?" Wilbur asked.

"How about we get some coffee and vibe around?" Y/N suggested. "We could have a mini road trip!" Niki said excitedly.

"Sounds like a plan. Who's car?" Wilbur asked. "We can use mine, we just have to stop at a gas station to get some gas." Y/N replied.

"Plus we need snacks!" Niki said, the other three nodded in agreement and all left to the parking lot, where Y/N's car was.

Y/N drove to the gas station and bought the gas for their car while everyone else bought snacks for themselves. Niki bought herself some original pringles. Wilbur bought bug juice and some gummy bears. Techno bought some beef jerky and a coke. Y/N bought some sour gummy worms.

"Alright, we shall alter between who gets to choose the music." Y/N said once they were all in the car. Niki and Y/N sat in the front with the twins in the back.

They decided on oldest to youngest, Techno going first, Wilbur second, Y/N third and Niki last. "Having sex in the Harry Potter universe must be so awkward if there's paintings in the room..." Wilbur said. Luckily, they were at a stop light as Y/N turned around and stared Wilbur right in the eyes. Wilbur gave them a small sly smile as the light turned green and Y/N had to continue to drive.

"You know, it never specified what stone medusa turns you into, for all we know she could be turning the Greeks into diamond statues." Y/N said. Techno's eyes seemed to light up at the mention of Greek mythology.

"You like Greek mythology?" Techno asked. Y/N nodded, "Yeah! It's really interesting!" The two fell into a conversation of Greek stories.

"Nerds!" Wilbur said, interrupting the two's conversation.

"Bruuuuhhhhh." Techno said, he was annoying with his twin as he gave him a harsh push on his shoulder.

After two hours, the group headed back to the college, since it was around 3 and they were hungry.

"The bug juice isn't sitting right with me...." Wilbur said, clutching his stomach as he got out of the car.

"If you're gonna throw up, aim it away from my beauty." Y/N said, Wilbur gave a thumbs up in understanding.

Fourth chapter done, sorry for the late update. I've been swamped with work -Pixel

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