☁︎Music Classes☁︎

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The two made their way to Orchestra, talking the entire way, they never seemed to run out of things to say. The classroom was a theater, which was quite large and had many seats.

Since it was the first day, the teacher, Mrs. Sqaishey had let the students talk a bit about themselves. And to make it easier, she put on a film all about the history of orchestra and how it all started.

"I hope this is what lessons are like everyday." Y/N whispered to Wilbur, who nodded in agreement.

"She seems like a nice teacher, hopefully it stays like that for the rest of the year." Wilbur whispered back to Y/N.

"Ok class! Since the movie is finished, we're going to end class early. So, please exit the theater and I hope to see you all again!" Mrs. Sqaishey said, the students all said "goodbye" and left the theatre.

"Ok, we have 20 minutes until musical arts, what do you wanna do?" Y/N asked Wilbur, the two were in a hallway sitting on the floor.

"I dunno." Wilbur responded along with shrugging his shoulders. "Well, wanna just chat?" Y/N suggested, Wilbur nodded.

"Batman is a furry who enjoys beating up people..." Wilbur said. "Wilbur, please." Y/N said, putting their head on their hands.

"Look, I just say what I think and what I think is weird things that, apparently, cause you to question everything and life itself." Wilbur explained. "Fair enough." Y/n replied.

"When you build a treehouse, you're just telling the tree to hold his dead friend." Wilbur said. "yeah, no you're right." Y/N said.

After 15 minutes the two decided to start their journey to musical arts, Wilbur breaking Y/N's brain as they walked.

They entered the classroom and took their seats, sitting next to each other because that's what they do.

"Hello class, my name is professor Sparklez, or Jardon. Today's lesson we'll be picking out an instrument to produce music with. We'll start off small by creating sheet music, at least one line by the end of the class, but an entire sheet by next week."

"Are we allowed to partner up?" Someone asked. "You can, but if you do, the sheet is due by the end of the week. Oh, and you have to perform your sheet when it's finished, but if you're in a group only one of you need to perform it." Professor Sparklez explained.

"Sir Wilbur." Y/N said, turning to face him. "Yes, peasant Y/N?" Wilbur replied. Y/N rolled their eyes.

"Would you be open to partnering with me?" Y/N asked. "Obviously." Wilbur replied, rolling his eyes.

"Great, so I assume we're making it on the guitar?" Y/N asked. "Yep. How about I teach you how to play, unless you already do?"

"I've always wanted to learn, I just never got the chance." Y/N answered.

"Well today is your special day, Y/N." Wilbur said. The two worked on teaching Y/N notes and making a line for their song.

'Am F Am F 2x'

"Sounds good so far." Wilbur said, strumming the chords again. "I'm sure it'll sound great when we're finished with it." Y/N said, "Well have the best sheet music in the class."

"We'll have to see about that." Someone said from behind Y/N. Y/N turned around and saw someone they didn't recognize, granted it was their first day.

The duo behind them wore vibrant colors, neon pink, yellow, orange, green with white accents. Their outfits were almost blinding to look at.

"Um, we didn't say you could join our conversation." Y/N said, they were slightly annoyed the duo had interrupted their time hanging out with Wilbur.

"I don't need permission, I run this school." The girl wearing neon pink and orange said. "Oh really? I didn't know you were our dean, you look too young to be one. Did you get plastic surgery or something?" Y/N replied.

"She's the boss of everyone." The one in yellow and green said. "... then how come I've never heard of her..?"

"Ugh! You're so annoying." Pinkie said.

"Ok pinkie pie, why don't you two run off and leave me and Wilbur alone?" Y/N suggested.

"I'm going to out do all of you in this class." Pinkie said.

"Ok." Y/N replied blandly. Class was soon over so Y/N and Wilbur left. Since it was 5:55, the two got dinner together in the dining hall.

The hall was filled with students, which made it loud. "It's too loud in here..." Y/N mumbled to Wilbur, he nodded in agreement.

"Wanna go to McDonald's or something?" He asked, Y/N nodded and the two left the hall. They walked to the dorm parking lot and they got in Y/N's car, Wilbur in the driver's seat and Y/N in the passenger's seat.

Wilbur drove to the McDonald's and they got in the drive through. "I'll pay, my parents are loaded." Y/N said, Wilbur protested for a bit before letting Y/N pay for his dinner.

The two ordered and Y/N paid, they then made their way back to the college. "Wanna come to my dorm?" Wilbur asked.

"Sure." Y/N shrugged. Wilbur parked the car and they entered the dorm building, walking to Wilbur's dorm and entering.

"Hey techno." Wilbur greeted his twin. "Hey, Wilbur. Hey, Y/N." Techno responded, not looking up from his laptop on his bed.

Wilbur and Y/N sat on Wilbur's bed and ate their food, talking in between bites and including techno into the conversation sometimes.

After they were finished, Wilbur walked Y/N to their dorm. "Thanks for paying." Wilbur said. "No problem, thanks for hanging out with me."

Wilbur waved goodbye and left to his dorm. Y/N entered their own and saw Niki passed out on her bed. She didn't have a blanket on her, so Y/N threw Niki's blanket on her.

Y/N changed into pajamas and sat at their desk, their math teacher had assigned homework and so they finished it, after they finished their homework, they got into their bed and fell asleep.

Chapter finished! -pixel

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