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"Get out of my way!" He shoved me against a cliff and I hit the stone and rocks. I got myself to get back up and tackled him down. I looked into his eyes and he stopped struggling, going limp. "This is awkward," he said, coming back to himself.

"Yeah," I said and got off him. We started walking back and he told me about what had happened.

"I call it the enderwalk. It's like someone is possessing me and I can't control myself,"

"I noticed," I smiled and wiped the blood off of myself. I walked into the house and Tubbo came over.

"Ranboo," he said.

"Hey," Ranboo said.

"Are you okay?" Tubbo asked me.

"Yeah. I'm gonna go clean up," I cleaned the blood off and went to my room.

The next morning, I made breakfast for everyone and they got ready to leave.

"Can you come to our house and babysit Michael today?"

"I'm sorry. I really prefer babysitting here," I said.

"Should we leave him here then?"

"Sure. I have to go get some stuff from the community garden. Can I take him?"

"Just be careful," Ranboo said and left with Tubbo. I took Michael with me and I put my cloak on.

"We need beet roots and melons," I told Michael.

"Melons," he pointed. We got everything and Michael skipped ahead of me. "Uncle Techno!" Michael said and I looked to see the man who had pulled his sword on me. I stopped.

"Michael," Technoblade said. "You! What are you doing with him?" I was asked.

"She's babysitting me. I stayed at-"

"Michael," I said and he stopped.

"Do your dads know?" Technoblade asked.

"Yeah," Michael said.

"Who are you?" Techno asked me.

"Not important. Michael, let's go," I said.

"He's not going anywhere with you."

"What's going on?" Ranboo and Tubbo tridented over.

"Who is she?"

"A friend. Why?" Ranboo asked.

"What is she doing with Michael?"

"Babysitting him, Technoblade," Tubbo said. Michael ran to me and I lifted him to my side.

"You can take him," Ranboo told me and I walked away with Michael.

"What's wrong?" Michael asked.

"Nothings wrong Michael. They're just gonna have an adult talk while you and I go have fun. You'd like that, right?" I asked and he nodded. We went to my house and I set Michael on the counter.

"I'm taller than you," he giggled and I smiled.

"You're so tall!" I said. "How about we bake something new today?"

"Yeah!" He said.

"What do you think about... cake?" I asked.

"Cake!" He screeched and I laughed.

"How about you be my helper and get me some wheat, milk, eggs, and some sugar?" I asked and helped him off the counter. He got them all and I showed him how to make everything. The cake came out good and let him at the toppings. He loved it and we saved the cake for later.  Michael and I read The Art of War and he pretended like he was fighting.

"I can be like him. And when the zombies and bad guys come to our house, I can just-" He kicked and fell. "Nevermind." I laughed and he giggled. I lifted him and entertained him until night. I left my door unlocked and ended up sleeping with Michael on the couch.

"Aww," I heard Ranboo and Tubbo.

"That's cute," Tubbo said. I opened my eyes and they waved.

"Hi. The door was unlocked," Ranboo said.

"We came to take Michael," Tubbo lifted him and held him close, walking out.

"Thanks again," Ranboo paid me and I nodded. "And some extra emerald for having to deal with Technoblade."

"Oh. It's fine. What did you talk to him about after?"

"I didn't say who you were or where you lived. I just told him you were a trusted friend who babysits Michael. Techno's... aggressive. He's just not used to no longer babysitting Michael. We had a little issue and Techno was the one who caused it. Michael still loves him and calls him Uncle Techno." I nodded and he smiled. "You can be Aunty Scarra." I smiled and walked him to the door. "Thank you for everything."

"Of course." They left and I went to work on the nether house. I expanded and made sure people wouldn't be able to find it easily. I went back and it was still night. I slept and the next day was pretty chaotic. Technoblade found out where I lived. I was in my garden and I was feeding the animals in the farm in silence.

"The new babysitter," Technoblade said and I gasped. I turned to him and he eyed me. "And I get to see her face? What an honour," he rolled his eyes. "I don't trust you, okay? Michael is a child and I don't trust anyone I don't know. So I sure as hell don't trust you."

"You didn't have to hunt me down just to say that," I stated. "I know you don't trust me. And I frankly don't care," I said.

"In this world, there is a saying. Treat others how you want to be treated. I will treat those who have been kind to me with the utmost respect. Those who have been disrespectful will forever be my enemies. You're joining the enemy side."

"That fine. Just leave me alone." I turned away and an arrow flew over my shoulder. "You missed." I went back to work and he jumped over the fence to get to me.

"Tell me who you are! Your name is all I'm asking for!"

"No. You come to my house, disrespect me, and then threaten me. I suggest you go collect your arrow, go home, reflect on what you can to better, and leave me alone," I said and pushed past him. I went in and warmed up by the heater. He left and I heard his horse take off.

The next day, Michael came over and Ranboo said he and Tubbo needed to talk some things out.

Mr. Mysterious: TechnobladeWhere stories live. Discover now