036, faceless guy

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"put your phone down, all you do is kiss faceless guy through the phone." freya told her best friend, she ate another piece of sushi.

jackie gave her a confused look but ignored her comment, "harsh, freya," jackie sat across from freya at the island.

jackie began picking at her nails, freya smacked her hand.


"hm?" she mumbled, "what's wrong?"


freya didn't believe her, "did dream do something?"

"no no no, we're doing really good. i'm just thinking about how he's so kind to me, sending me gifts all the time. i hay feel as if i don't do enough for him."

"he's like a billionaire." freya reminded, jackie shrugged, "well, it still feels wrong that i've sent less than half of what he's sent me."

"maybe his love language is gift giving," freya said.

jackie shook her head, "it's definitely words of affirmation. trust, i would know."

freya put her chopsticks down, moving her index finger back and forth while she nodded. "you know what, i saw this article."

jackie rolled her eyes, freya had been obsessed with reading relationship articles for the last few months. she tried getting jackie into it but she stuck to her journal that was full of unfinished songs and ideas.

despite not being interested, jackie still leaned over to freya's side of the counter when she pulled out her phone.

"it's basically different ways guys say the 'L word' without actually saying it."

"hm, i doubt clay loves me."

freya stared at jackie in disbelief for a quick second, "whatever, i'll read off the stuff on the list and you confirm if he's done it or said it."

jackie was hesitant but she obliged, sitting back onto her stool and relaxing into it.

"has sent songs or romantic songs that remind him of you?"

jackie light scoffed, "yeah sure, but we've done that since the beginning of our friendship."

"okay, what was the most recent song?" freya asked, "his own fucking song." jackie said sarcastically and smiled, throwing a thumbs up at freya.

"you are so difficult sometimes, actually."

"the lady in my life." jackie said quietly, freya moved closer to her.

"the lady in my life," she said louder, freya began smiling.

"he's got taste too, jackie we've only been on the first one and he's passed."

"just keep reading," jackie waved her hand in the air, signaling at freya.

"hm, has he written you letters?"

"uh, yes."

"next one, does he get sad that he is not able to see you everyday?"

"sorta, he claims that he is sooo close to buy a plane ticket to washington," jackie paused, scanning her apartment as if she was looking for someone.

"but i don't see him."

freya nodded, "this is a good one, has he been comfortable enough with you that he's said something seductive to you?"

jackie immediately thought of how he made her freak out in front of karl and alex, and their viewers.

freya caught on, "check to that!"

"talked and or posted about you on social med—"

jackie's phone went off with notifications, cutting freya off. she grabbed it, hoping it would be dream asking to facetime.

instead it was her least favorite person, her ex.

jackie's face displayed discomfort, freya caught on. she walked around the counter to read the messages he had sent jackie.

freya hates jackie's ex as much as the next person, so much so that she can't even bare to say his name.

"baby? BABY? gross, jackie just block him. he's not worth the time." freya cringed at the messages.

"why does he keep doing this?" jackie asked, a hint of complaining roamed in her words.

"he knows that you're doing so much better, that you're with someone that's better for you rather than dragging you down with him."

"how do i respond?" jackie questioned, handing the phone to freya.

"how about the classic stay away from me dickwad?" jackie laughed, "sounds good to me."

freya's smugish face quickly turned into a panicked looked, "jackie jackie, he wants to come over."

"hell no, he can't come here."

"no shit, but he's actually scary." freya admitted, "why are you now just saying this?" jackie asked, getting nothing but a shrug from freya.

"we just block him," jackie went to his contact info, blocking him as fast as she can. "see? fixed."


"wanna facetime someone to help us calm down, preferably clay?"

frey tilted her head, "clay..?"

"faceless guy."

"ohh, sure."

authors note
filler filler filler

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