The Metro

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I was an urban traveler when I was younger. I use to skip school sometimes to explore my city. It always made me feel like I was an adult.

All I ever had were a few bucks in my pocket. My parents didn't know where I was. With my earphones embedded deep in my ear, I was free. 

I would ride the Metro. Looking out the window from the first station to the furthest I dared to go. Thinking to myself how many of us actually exist. How we could start wars with each other but somehow we could also all sit in a train for an hour or two without anyone getting hurt. 

My thoughts would contemplate homelessness, social status, and ethical values. It was the only time I was ever philosophical. I'm sure I've solved world hunger, back then, like a hundred times. 

I would get home and feel like a kid again. Following my parents' rules and depending on them for nearly everything. The restrictions made the quick adventures so meaningful. I've missed them, dearly. 

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