How Thick A Veil Becomes

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It wants you to be one thing
It wants you to profit from that choice alone

Everyone lives by it
Everyone dies by it

Am I rich
Am I poor

Am I powerful
Am I powerless

Am I kind
Am I unkind

You find yourself reaching
And Insulting
And Earning

Do we ever stop?

I mean, when do you have the time to even get to know yourself
Especially when it will cast the veil upon you so young

We obey it
We blindly do
We obey to fit one thing

In haste
Without love
Without soul

While in life many things cannot run through the same pipe
I do not belive life is so plain

We need not obey the call to find a seat at just one table
We could obey the call of our hearts and sit in any which we like, for however long

Do not allow it to cast the veil
For you do not know how thick it'll become

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