Request #9-Neo(palo2419926)

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*emerges from the ground*



*gets up and cleans off dirt*

We finally got a Neo request!

It's from

Boy oh boy it's been a while since I wrote smut*cracks knuckles*

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Boy oh boy it's been a while since I wrote smut*cracks knuckles*

Y/N's pov
Everything was falling apart:Trinity and Morpheus didn't want to disable the squiddys yet until Neo was unplugged,but he was shot by agents."No!"I sobbed,I ran to his plugged in body and hugged it."No...Neo you can't be dead,please don't be dead."I begged,"the...the Oracle told me I would fall in love with the one Neo,and that's you:I know you're the one,now please...please get up."I whispered.i slowly rose my head up and gently kissed him,as I pulled away his heart monitor turned one.i widened my eyes,then I looked at Neo."now get up,please."I whispered,Tank and the others(by others I mean Morpheus and Trinity)we're watching Neo on the screens."How is he doing this?"Tank asked,"he is the one."Morpheus said with a smile.

We then eventually had to press the button and disable the squiddys because they got into the ship,i shielded Neo with my body and squeezed my eyes was then quiet,I painted as I slowly opened my I did I looked at Neo,this time his eyes were open!"Neo!"I exclaimed happy,I quickly helped him get unplugged."we're going to have to somehow get back to Zion to fix the ship and heal Tank's wounds."Morpheus said,"I'll set the coordinates now and contact Zion."Trinity said.i walked Neo back to his room,knowing he probably needs some rest.when we got to his room he sat down on his bed,it was awkwardly quiet.i cleared my throat,"i should probably uh,go help out with the ship."i said nervously.

I was about to leave his room when he suddenly grabbed my wrist,I blushed as I turned around to face him."Don't go."he said in a commanding but begging way,I sat down beside him."when I thought it was over for me there was nothing but darkness,I thought that was it....but then I heard you confessing your feelings for me,I felt like I felt you kissing me.and then,I embraced the fact that I'm the one."he said,I didn't say a word."Y/N I....I...."he trailed off,but before he could say anything Trinity opened the door."we're back in Z-"she cut herself off when she saw us."As much as I don't want to ruin the moment you two must get off the ship,it's going to get repaired soon."she said,"R-Right,sorry Trin."I stuttered.I got up,left Neo's room,and then went to my room.

Oooooooo do you guys want a part 2?😏

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