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        When Harry woke up again it was morning and he was back in his own bed. He yawned stretching out his stiff muscles listening the the rough, hushed voices from the living room. He felt like he'd been here before accept he was chained up like a dog. He shuttered remember how things used to be. How long had it been since he was unchained?

        He shook his head and slipped on a shirt already wearing joggers from the day before. His bare feet pattered out the door and he tip toed into the living room shocked to see another man talking with Zayn. His soft walking caught their attention and he blushed looking at the floor. "This is Styles' son?" the man asked looking Harry from head to toe with mild shock. "He's pretty."

        "Back off, Liam," Zayn bit harshly.

        Liam grinned, "Oh, I see he's your little-"

        "Liam!" Zayn snapped causing Liam to chuckle.

        "I'm just teasing, mate, I'd never go there. I just didn't think Styles' son would look so...." Liam bit his lip, "attractive."

        Harry felt awkward standing there while they chattered on about his looks. Then Zayn finally said, "Harry, go into the kitchen." And he obeyed while he kept his head down and walked into the kitchen where Ms. Violet, as always. She was cleaning cooking utensils.

        "Harry," she smiled when she saw him, "I didn't think you'd be up this early. Mr. Malik said you were warn out. So, I didn't fix you anything for breakfast. Do you want anything? I could make-"

        Harry politely stopped her, "Nah, it's okay. I'm not hungry. I'll just eat lunch when the time comes. Say, what time is it?"

        "Nine thirty," she answered drying the freshly clean frying pan. Harry got closer afraid Liam or Zayn would hear me. Well, mostly Zayn. Harry knew know he absolutely can't stand it when Harry's nosy.

        "Who's that man..uh..Liam?" He asked in a low voice.

        "He's a friend and...co-worker of Mr. Malik's," she simply answered in a voice as quiet as Harry's was. "Liam Payne is known around this place. He and Mr. Malik have been friends well over ten years. They met when they were both young ones."

        "How do you know?" Harry asked.

        "Liam told me," she said going back to her work. Why does she call Zayn "Mr. Malik" but Liam well..Liam, Harry asked himself. Maybe it's a respect thing since Zayn is her 'boss'.

        Harry got close to the door deciding to be nosier than he already was. "Did you speak to Travis?" Zayn said.

        "Yeah," Liam answered, "he said we needed to be there tomorrow morning to collect the load. It's suppose to be something new. He said the kids across the pond can't get enough of it and are paying fortunes just to get their hands on it."

        Are they talking about drugs. Harry leaned forward more but failed and ended up falling through the partly opened door. Oops. He landed on his hands and knees. Harry looked up at the two trying to look as innocent as possible. Liam looked amused, but Zayn most certainly did not.

        "Not much of a ninja are you?" Liam tried to joke looking at Zayn with an uneasy expression. Harry guessed he knew how Zayn was, no surprise there. Zayn looked like steam was about to come out of his ears.

        "Harry," he said through gritted teeth. "Go to your bedroom and wait for me. Now."

        "C'mon, Zee, go easy on him. He's just-" Liam said trying to calm Zayn down but it only made it worse.

Stockholm Syndrome || zarry au {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now