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    Harry was excited to get to leave the flat for once, but he was also extremely nervous. What would happen if somebody spotted them?

    "C'mon," Zayn said as Harry rushed to get dressed in some clothes Zayn gave him. "Hurry up."

"I'm trying!" Harry said almost falling over as he slipped on his jeans. He couldn't remember the last time he wore something other than boxers or sweatpants. Zayn opened Harry's bedroom door without warning and watched Harry with amusement as Harry now tugged on his shoes.

    "Are you ready now?" Zayn asked quirking his eyebrow.

The teenager stood up clumsily and shook his head full of curls trying to make them look a little more presentable. "Okay, now I am."

Zayn couldn't help but roll his eyes playfully at Harry's excitement. "C'mon," Zayn then said guiding Harry to the front door. Zayn opened to the door walking out and Harry followed. As expected it was a hallway with a few other doors on the same wall, only, they were further away then normal. That was probably because the flats were so big.

They got onto an elevator and Harry was literally bouncing on his heels. "Calm down," Zayn smirked running his fingers through Harry's hair.

"Quit it! You'll mess up my hair!" The teen said smacking his hand away.

Zayn laughed to himself lightly, "Trust me, I don't think there's a possible way to make your hair look worse."

Harry scowled at him before the elevator doors opened. Then Zayn handed him sunglasses, "Put these on." Harry obeyed and they walked through the lobby and out of the front doors. Only then, they weren't on the main sidewalk for long before Zayn guided them into an alley. Harry kinda figured it was so he wouldn't he seen. It wasn't very dark, but it was extremely shady.

"Where are we going anyway?" Harry asked.

Zayn wrapped an arm around his shoulders, "Dinner."

Harry bit his lip, "Won't people see us?"

Zayn shook his head, "Trust me. They won't. I know the owner of the place, and he'll get us a table away from the rest of the public." Harry nodded in response. When they arrived it was at the back door of the place. Zayn had greeted the guy Harry supposed was his friend and next thing he knew they were seated at a table on the roof. It was almost predictable.

They didn't talk much. Only ordered their food and when it got there they didn't waste time to dig in. Harry drank water while Zayn drank some form of alcohol (Harry assumed it was just that because of the aftermath). Five glasses later Zayn was drunk. Fun fact about Zayn though; he was a happy drunk. Harry couldn't help but watch Zayn amused as he rambled on and on. It was trouble getting him out of the building when they were finished. Not to mention, Zayn fell asleep in the taxi his friend called for them.

They finally arrived in the flat and the second Zayn hit his bed he was out. Harry just crawled in bed beside him and snuggled close before falling asleep.


When morning came Harry wiggled out of Zayn's warm embrace and found his way to the kitchen where Ms. Violet was already making eggs and toast. "Morning," Harry smiled as he started to brew tea.

"Good morning, Harry," she said back putting all the eggs and toast in a plate that Zayn and Harry could help themselves to when they wanted. "Have a good sleep?"

Harry yawned with a nod, "Yeah. You?"

She nodded and Harry couldn't help but giggle to himself because of the small talk. "I've got to use the restroom, please excuse me," she smiled. Harry nodded as she wondered off. Harry let the tea brew and leaned against the marble counter with his arms crossed over his t-shirt clad chest. Then he heard feet padding down the hallway. He thought that Ms. Violet got back quite quick when he saw a rough looking Zayn come into view. Zayn walked into the kitchen rubbing his hands over his eyes as he took a seat at the bar.

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