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        The next few days were just routine for Harry: wake up, wait for Ms. Violet to bring breakfast, wait for Ms. Violet to bring lunch, wait for Zayn to come home and unlock the door, stay in the living room watching TV while Zayn did God knows what, eat supper, hold down all smart ass remarks, sleep. It was quite boring for him, but by being obedient it would soon get him privileges.

        One morning, he was surprisingly woke up early. "Harry," Zayn said. Harry cracked opened his eyes and yawn. When he saw Zayn he furrowed his eyebrows. "The door is unlocked for today." Harry perked up. "So, remember my rule. You're only aloud in the living room and the kitchen." Harry nodded his head eagerly. Zayn looked at him for a moment before leaving the room keeping the door wide open. Harry felt a certain sense of freedom.

        He took the covers off his body while glancing at the clock on the wall: 8:30am. It wasn't that early, but he normally didn't get up till 10am. But, hey, he got to actually leave the room without a babysitter,so he didn't care. He stood up and immediately got dressed into pajama pants and a white t-shirt. He walked out of the room, relieved. He quietly walked into the living room. The kitchen was big (so was the living room), but was connected to the living room without a door. So, he was able to see Ms. Violet cleaning.

        "Good morning," Harry said just loud enough for her to hear.

        She turned around startled, but soon smiled. "Good morning," she said in her thick accent, "Mr. Malik finally let you out?"

        "Yeah," Harry said. She smiled and continued to work.

        "Do you want anything in particular for breakfast?" She then asked.

        "Um," Harry thought. "Not really."

        "So, muffins is okay?"

        Harry nodded and sat on the couch. He and Ms. Violet didn't talk much, but she seemed like a nice enough woman. Question is, how did she end up working for Zayn? Harry couldn't help but ask.

        Ms. Violet just shook her head and smiled, "Mr. Malik is a very generous man, Harry. He's controlling and minapultative, but he's fair."

        "Not from what I've seen," Harry mumbled.

        "You haven't been here that long," she chuckled.

        "But, he..he took me from my home..he.."

        "I understand," she sighed, "now that's one of his flaws. But I see something in you. Maybe, you'll be the one to...." She looked back at the dishes. "I've got to start on your breakfast."

        Harry grabbed the remote and watched GSN for a while. He ate breakfast and when lunch past he watched TV for a few hours before he went back into his room to the bathroom. When he was finished he left the room and curiously looked at the only other door in the hallway. Zayn's bedroom. Zayn only had three rules, and Harry wanted nothing more than to break them. He peered at the door. Ah, fuck it, he thought turning the handle. Unlocked? If he didn't want me in here then he should have at least locked the door.

        He quietly stepped into the room. It looked much like his accept this room was more..homey. Like, it was easy to tell that this room actual belonged to someone. There was a few pictures on the night stand and Harry couldn't help but looked at them. The first picture was Zayn and an attractive guy who looked about his age. They seemed to be at a football game. It was quite weird for Harry seeing The next picture was what looked like Zayn when he was younger; fourteen, maybe? He standing by a woman and a little girl who looked just like him. He smiled gently cause the picture was quite cute.

        Suddenly he heard the door shut from behind him. Harry's breath hitched and he turned around quickly seeing a fuming Zayn. "Three simple rules," Zayn growled. "Why are you in here?"

        "I was-...I-I just...." Fear coursed through Harry.

        Zayn stepped closer making Harry step back until his back hit the wall. Harry winced and Zayn pinned his hands above him. "You were just..what? Breaking my rules and snooping through my things."

        "I-I wasn't snooping, I was just looking at the pictures.."

        "BULLSHIT!" Zayn yelled slapped Harry clean across the face. "You give me nothing but disobedience!" Zayn then smirked wickedly. "If you want to be a bad boy..fine." He brought his lips close to Harry's ear and whispered. "But, bad boys get punished."

        Harry gulped. Shit.


This is short but I said I'd update today.

The next chapter is going to be fun ;) trying to decide what type of punishment Harry's gonna get *wiggles eyebrows*

Thank you everyone reading this! OMG I wake up and chapter four has like 250 reads and 30 votes! Like whhhhhaaaaat?!!!?!

Love you guyzzzz!

Tori xx


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