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        Harry's cheek throbbed as Zayn shoved him onto his bed. Harry scooted up to the head board and wrapped his arms around his knees. Zayn made three 'tsk' sounds. Harry watched him scared as Zayn opened a drawer and pulled out a.....belt. Harry had only been spanked a few times in his life, all of them between the ages of 2-8. He didn't like it very much. Now, a grown man was going to spank him. It all seemed so erotic; it made him skittish and excited all at the same time. Harry, what the hell? Run, he scolded himself mentally.

        He tried to run around the bed but Zayn grabbed him by his t-shirt. "Where do you think you're going, baby?"

        Harry struggled but Zayn held him to his chest tightly. "P-please don't!" Harry cried.

        "You disobeyed my orders and I don't give warnings."

        "J-just take away my privileges! Lock me up in the room l-like before!" Harry rushed out trying to get himself out of this mess. Zayn let him go and Harry back up away from the direction of the door.

        "Uh-uh, not this time. I know that won't teach you anything. Now, quit fighting and put your hands against the wall," Zayn ordered. Harry gulped.

        "P-please don't-" he struggled out.

        "Hands. Against. The. Wall," Zayn hissed.

        Harry turned around and put his shaky hands against the wall feeling completely exposed and vulnerable. He hated it. He jumped when he felt Zayn hook his fingers in his night pants. Zayn dragged them down to his ankles and Harry's eyes widened. He wasn't going to take his boxers off was he?!

        Zayn licked his lips and tugged Harry's boxers just over the curve of his ass. Harry squeaked. Zayn admired his pale, full bottom before standing up from his crouched position. "Be thankful I'm only giving you five and not fifteen."

        That's when Harry felt it. The extremely harsh feeling of the leather on his ass stung like hell. "Ow," he hissed.

        "One," Zayn said.

        Zayn hit him again and Harry felt tears brim his eyes. Damn, it hurt. "Two."


        Harry felt a hot tear spill down his cheek. He wanted to go home.


        It wouldn't have hurt Harry so bad if it wasn't for Zayn hitting as hard as he could.  Harry's muscles were tense and his short nails scratched against the painted wall because he didn't have anything to hold onto.


        Thank God it was over. Harry felt violated and in pain. He couldn't figure out which hurt worse: his cheek or his ass.

        He felt Zayn pull his trousers back up.

        Zayn furrowed his eyebrows at Harry. He was a bit harsh. He shook his head and kissed the back of Harry's head saying, "Go to your room." And Harry obeyed.


        Harry slept on his stomach that night. And, when he woke up he couldn't put pressure on his bottom at all without him feeling the pain all over again. He hobbled to the bathroom and pulled down his trousers and boxers to see if there was any marks.

        Fuck, Harry thought when he saw the dark blueish-purple rectanglic bruises. No wonder it hurts so bad! Harry's face only had a small bit of redness but this was much much worse. He hobbled back in bed not wanting to face any humiliation outside. He burried his face in the pillow and hot tears started to soak into the fabric. "I want to go home. I want to go home. I want to go home. I want to go home." Harry chanted over and over again while he sobbed, until he soon fell asleep.

        When he woke up again he felt a little better and decided to go out of the room, but the door was locked. Fucking perfect, Harry thought.

        No one brought him food that day and the hours ticked by so slowly. At about 5pm he got out of bed once again and started banging on his door screaming, "LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT!" Before he soon collapsed falling on his hands and knees.

        No one came. Harry curled into a ball and cried. Soon he felt so lightheaded and sick that he passed out on the floor. When he woke up again he was in bed, on his stomach of course. He rubbed his eyes and turned his head slightly. That's when he saw Zayn sitting at the end of the bed. He tensed when he felt a hand travel up and down is back almost soothingly. He knew there was no fighting so he just buried his head into the pillow. "Are you feeling better?"

        "Sore," Harry murmured.

        "Thought so," Zayn responded. "Did you learn your lesson?"

        Harry felt like a five year old child again. He nodded his head. "Yes, sir." Harry would kill to strangle this asshole right now.

        "Good, come have breakfast."

        "You're not leaving?" Harry asked.

        Zayn shook his head, "Not today. Need help getting up?"

        Harry knew he couldn't walk without help so he didn't bother saying 'no'. "Yes," he answered. Much to Harry's surprise, Zayn didn't just help Harry. He picked Harry just bridal style. Harry squeaked gripping onto Zayn's shirt. Zayn's hand was cold against Harry's bare back. Zayn made sure not to hurt Harry is any way so he had his other hand on the back of Harry's knees. He brought Harry into the kitchen.

        "Ms. Violet, please go fetch me a pillow," Zayn said. She nodded and soon came back with one. Zayn sat down still holding Harry and put the pillow on his lap and sat Harry down. It was weird for Harry, but also comforting cause it didn't hurt as much. I've got nothing to loose, Harry thought snuggling into Zayn's neck surprising both of them. He was still tired, scared, and hopeful, but in that moment he didn't care. He only focused on the warm skin of Zayn's neck and the sweet smell of cologne and cigarettes.


I feel like such an ass. I've had this written for so long but I didn't edit it so I didn't post it and I kinda sorta forgot about it. Oops.

How was your guys'  Christmas? Mine was fun. Opening presents and suffing my face was a good recovering method. Recovering from what? Oh idk the fact that LOUIS IS 23 WHAT IS THIS....

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this love you!

Tori xx


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