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The sex became a regular thing. Harry would find himself always eager when Zayn wasn't home and when his lover did get home he'd be on the bed waiting. Zayn didn't mind it much. He actually quite enjoyed having an over-eager boy who wanted him and only him.

Harry bit his lip hearing the shut of the front door. He sat on his bed cross-legged in only in his black, tight boxers. Harry waited, but soon found himself curious that Zayn hadn't come in yet; it had been ten minutes. He pulled a white t-shirt over his head and walked out of the room. Zayn was pacing the room with a cigarette between his lips. Harry carefully walked over to Zayn and placed his hand on Zayn's arm. "Zayn?" he asked. Zayn's head jerked to the side a bit startled by Harry's sudden appearance.

"What?!" he snapped stepping away from the teenager's touch.  Harry flinched.

"Want to talk about it?" Harry all but whispered.

"Does it look like I want to talk about it...?" Zayn growled.

Harry sighed looking over to wear Ms. Violet was washing dishes. She gave him a warning look as if she knew Harry was going to push Zayn further. He didn't listen to her. "Why don't you sit down-."

"Why don't you back the fuck off!"

Harry felt like Zayn had just shot him straight in the heart. He felt pathetic when he took a few steps back from Zayn with tears in his eyes. "Sorry," he whispered.

Zayn looked over at him with a blank expression before sighing. "C'mere."

Harry didn't want to. He really didn't, but he did anyway. Zayn wrapped his arms around the smaller boy and held him close, "I've had a really bad day, baby. That's all you need to know. Harry nodded against Zayn's chest. Then Zayn continued, "You are dismissed, Ms. Violet."

She responded and finished putting up the dishes before leaving.

"I just wanted to help," Harry said pulling back. Zayn looked down at him with a devilish smirk.

"I know a way you could help." He leaned down and pressed his lips to Harry's.

Harry was quick to pull back, "Having sex with me isn't going to help you at all. It will distract you, but not help you."

Zayn's anger started to rise once again. "I told you that I don't want to talk about it."

"But you need-"

"Goddammit Harry! Will you ever fucking listen to me!" Zayn yelled.

Harry felt that harsh pang again but opened his mouth to continued. "I-"

"Shut the hell up and go to your room." Harry didn't move at first but took it upon himself to run off when Zayn yelled, "Now!"

Harry expected Zayn to join him, but he didn't. Harry stayed in there through supper and soon fell asleep at the late hours of the night.

When he woke up used to the bathroom then left his room thinking that Zayn was gone; but he wasn't. He saw Zayn's boots at the door and Ms. Violet was in the kitchen like she always was. "Are you hungry?" she asked.

Harry shook his head, "Not really."

"Are you sure?"

He nodded and plopped onto the couch turning on the TV. The first thing that came on was the news and Harry's face was on the screen. "Holy shit," he said just as he heard Ms. Violet say "good morning, Mr. Malik" as she left to Harry's room to clean.

 Young teenage boy gets kidnapped from home.

He stared at the screen in shock hearing them say when he was last seen and what he looked like. Also, about his father that who was under trial for illegal drug use. They said that when Harry was found he'd be taken away from his father.

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