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        Harry had been a good boy since Zayn let him off the chain, but he didn't speak anymore. He believed someone was coming for him. His dad would've called the police by now, right? His father wouldn't leave him here...would he?

        Harry's hand smoothed over the slick wooden desk. Everything here seemed so fancy. Like, it all looked so fancy that he just had to touch it. He sat down in the soft chair and spun in it. After a while he started feeling dizzy. That's when the door was unlocked and opened. He stopped spinning and started seeing two of everything. "Stop that," Zayn hissed, "that chair costs a lot." If I break it you can sell me and maybe get your damn money back then, asshole. Harry swallowed the smart ass reply. Zayn continued, "I came to tell you dinner's ready and you can come down and eat if you want."

        Harry was quite shocked that he even offered something of the sort. He was actually aloud out of the bedroom?

        "Hurry, before I change my mind," Zayn grumbled. Harry scrambled to his feet and walked over to Zayn sheepishly. Zayn just looked at him for a moment with that same frown on his face before turning and walking out of the door. Harry figured he was suppose to follow him and so he did. Harry hadn't got to see the rest of the house, but when he did damn. It was 3x fancier than the bedroom. It had white walls everywhere, the living room had a large, light brown couch with a matching love seat and large TV. On top of all of that the kitchen had the same color coordination only the fridge was gray and the counters were marble. "The whole floor is shut down, so you can't escape and no one can come in."

        So this was a flat? It seemed way too big for it to be one of those.

        "Ms. Violet made spaghetti," Zayn mumbled motioning for Harry to sit down at the table on the far left of the room close to the doorway. Who's that, Harry wondered. Suddenly an older woman who looked to be Mexican walked into the room.

        "I'll make you and your guest a plate, Mr. Malik," she said in a thick accent looking at Harry with sympathy. Harry gave her a small smile and she shook her head mumbling something in a language he couldn't quite understand.

        Zayn nodded sitting in front of Harry. Harry looked up at him and, of course, Zayn was wearing that some ol' blank expression. It seemed as if the only time he ever expressed any emotions besides anger and lust was when he was high. Harry looked down at his hands feeling completely uncomfortable.

        The woman sat a plate of food in front of the two of them. Harry mumbled a quiet "Thank you". Zayn quirked an eyebrow at him knowing that from what he's seen, Harry isn't polite.

        Harry kept himself from glaring at him. Just pretend, he thought picking up his fork. He played with his food every so often taking a bite. With the odd tension in the room, it was extremely hard for Harry to eat without feeling uncomfortable. "Okay," Zayn finally said, "since you're going to be here for a long time I'm going to make sure a few things are clear." Harry looked up at him. "One; you are only aloud to go in here, the living room, and your bedroom. Two; you are to not even try to escape because you aren't going anywhere. Three; you are to obey me and not open your smart ass mouth. If you are to break any of those rules from here on out I will not hesitate to punish you."

        Harry looked at his plate and gulped. Punish him? Harry hoped to God he didn't mean a....kinky punishment, right? He shivered at the thought, not knowing whether it was a shiver of disgust, fear, or .....he mentally shook his head. "Okay."

        "Okay, what?" Zayn hissed.

        Harry balled his fists under the table. "Okay, sir," he said with an unmissable attitude.

        "Drop the fucking attitude and finish your food," Zayn growled taking his plate to the sink.

        You're not my Mum, Harry thought taking a small bite. Zayn left the room and Harry guessed he was suppose to put his plate in the sink when he was finished. He leaned against the counter and thought to himself curiously. How come this house didn't smell like it was owned by a drug dealer. It was so clean, and so nice. It boggled his mind.

        "You need to go to bed." Harry jumped at the sound of Zayn's voice. "There's clothes in your drawers and the bathroom is unlocked. If you don't act out then you'll be aloud to leave your room when I'm not here."

        Harry felt like a five year old child again. It irked him to no end. He walked past Zayn and to the room he'd been locked up in. He listen to the door lock and he sighed stripping down to his boxers before crawling under the covers. He let his thoughts take over. Maybe he would actual be able to pull this off. Maybe, one day he'd have the opportunity to leave this damn place.

        He could only hope.


I'm debating on double updating (since this one was so short) . I already have an idea for the next chapter. I'll try my best to update again tonight or tomorrow.


Tori xx

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