I've Lost Everything (Error Angst💢)

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Error was in the Anti-Void, sobbing. He looked tired from how much he was crying, this was an event from the past that was currently happening as he didn't have any blue-marks on his face.

Fate had just destroyed his AU and took everything dear to him away. This was all going according to plan, I thought. Though there was a side of me that felt bad, I also love seeing Error miserable.

Error's POV

I was sobbing, I couldn't believe that kIhhJkl'!)t and |||¥\'wnja just disappeared like that. I was in complete shock my eyes were shaking and were shrunken, I was choking in my own tears.

"*Hic* why.. *sob* I didn't *hic* do anything *sob* why am I-" It was at that moment where I felt true anger, I knew that there were beings in here just watching me, and enjoying his misery. I was so mad. I KnEw they could help me. But they didn't. Nobody came. They couldn't help me, and even if they could they wouldn't.

I broke down right there. I was scratching at my own skull, as more tears starting falling down and I started screaming, remembering everything that had just happened. Remembering their faces as they...


I have lost everything. There is nothing left of any of them. The only things I have left is a pure blue scarf and a pure yellow bandana and the clothes I am currently wearing. Everything is gone. Including everyone I care about. The Player left as soon as the AU started deleting itself. They left me to deal with this white void. Alone. Nobody cares. And the ones who do. Are  gone.

I..really am worthless.

I couldn't help them.

I couldn't SAVE them, how pathetic is that..?

And I called myself their friend. I called him my brother. I didn't deserve any of them. I should've known that I could never be happy.

I should've known that something bad would happen sooner or later. Like it always has. I..

I don't really deserve happiness.

It was at the moment that I snapped and stood up.

"I'M DONE!!!" I screamed out, at the beings I knew were watching, some of them surprised.

"DO YOU HEAR ME??!!!" I was furious, I heard some of them giggle in amusement, I could tell some were smiling. But I also felt some feel guilty.

"I'VE LOST EVERYTHING!!!" My tears were overwhelming me, I had never cried so much in my life, my tears just flowed and they seemed to never stop. My sadness started swallowing my anger.

"I LOST MY FRIENDS!!.." It was becoming hard to breathe as I choked on tears.

"I've got nothing left...!" I quieted down as I slouched to my knees, I hugged my knees as tears started overflowing my vision.


"Oooh right in the feels too!" I said in a half-sarcastic tone.

"Hehehe, don't worry we're going to have lots of fun our little toy!" Another voices giggled out.

"Though I feel bad, it's too much fun to do this to you! I'm sorry I just can't resist!" I said

"I'm only a neutral voice, I love everything about you like a good voice but I also love your angst so much, it's sooo gooood~" I added.

"Not all neutral voices are like you, Weirdo. Some of them don't like doing torture to Error like you, they just like watching." Another neutral voice, said calling me out.

"What?! You gonna shame me? Can you honestly blame me?? It's so satisfying to see him broken like this!" I said, pointing out to the broken Error, hugging his knees, crying and whimpering.

"Y e s." A good voice said.

"Y e s, I do blame you." The same voice added.

"Pssh, blame Fate not me!" I work for her after-all.

"Why do you even work for her??!" Another good voice, yelled out in frustration.

"I already told you, if you work for Fate you get more abilities and privileges than others, also I get to cause more of our favorite glitch's angst! I'm not like some Anon who can only ask questions." I said bluntly.

"I feel like that more thanks to your author powers that you get all of those abilities and privileges but go ahead-" A neutral voice said.

"Hey! I know that because I'm called the 'Author' I get to do anything I want, but I also set rules for myself so I don't turn into a Mary-sue, of course since this is just my avatar and not my actual physical form, nothing can hurt me nor kill me- though I did add a feature where when somebody tries to kill me I die but respawn as another body a millisecond later." I started ranting.

"Pretty sure you got that inspiration from Monokuma.-" Another voice said.

"SHhHhHhH-" I said.

"And stop ranting, you're so annoying!" A bad voice spat out.

"Fine, boomer. ;-;" I said

"Did you just say ;-;???- wait I said it too-" Another voice said in confusion.

"Yeah we're just typing this we're not actually here so we can say things like UwU" A good voice explained.

"Error are you okay..?" A good voice carefully said, worried about the poor Error.

"*hic*...*sob*" Error didn't respond he just kept hic-ing and sobbing. Some of the good voices were really worried by the sobbing Error.

"Oh s**t we forgot about Error-" A neutral voice called out, immediately going to try and comfort Error.

((This was a sneak-peak one-shot at the past for my Multiverse Error, my main Error of course. Everybody has their own Error when they start writing books and stuff about him. But this one is mine, the character doesn't belong to me but the personality is mine, so is the story. This backstory of Error has a lot of inspiration from different things))

Anyways goodbye, and you got a little sneak-peak how I am around Error in my mind. Of course you'll get more overtime.

Word counter: 1023 words

Video that inspired this to be made:

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