Error Opens Up Completely to Blue (Error Angst💢)

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This comic was inspired by this comic:

Error is Spinel.
Blue is Pink Pearl.
And the character that is supposed to be Pink Diamond will be Ink.

Error had been ranting about Ink all day, saying he was idiotic and more.

"Blue...I didn't mean it like th-" Error was cut off by Blue

"Then what do you mean?" Blue said in a very serious voice, he wasn't smiling or have star eyes.

"You've just been talking trash about him all day!!!" Blue said with an angry expression.

"Yeah?! So what?! He was a jerk!" Error countered.

"I know you're hurt from what he did but-" Blue was cut off by Error

"Oh so you're gonna defend him!?!" Error said angrily back.

"No! I'm not saying that-" Blue was cut off again.

"Ink was an irresponsible prick who threw people out when he no longer loved them!!" Error yelled, blinded by anger and hatred.

"He left me, he left you, his AU, the Star sanses!" Error yelled back again.

"Don't you hate him too!?" Error questioned with anger.

Blue was holding his head in frustration.

Tears started appearing on the corners of Blue's eye-sockets and he looked at Error and yelled out something in frustration.

"I Don't hate him, Error!!!" Blue said with frustration.

Error was taken back and shocked at what Blue said, like it surprised him.

Blue's angry expression shifted to a sad one.

"I just... I know he hurt you- and I'm so sorry he did that to you but.." Blue started explaining.

"I can't relate..." Blue kept going.

"All my memories were positive with him because I was trying my best to be his best friend..." Blue kept going, Error was surprised at this.

"He was my Best Friend..." Blue said sadly.

"I miss him..." Blue finished.

Error looked extremely guilty and ashamed.

"I'm..." Error was at a lost for words, he didn't deal well with the whole 'feelings' thing.

"I..." Error still couldn't find the right words, he looked down.

"It's just...He was my friend too-" Error was cut off by Blue who had a dark expression on his face.

"It's whatever, Error..." Blue turned around and started walking away through the portal to go back to UnderSwap.

"I'm gonna go" Blue said without turning around, and went through the portal.

Error was left there with his thoughts and the voices, which broke him down piece by piece.

Error was on the brink of tears, and his chest felt so tight, he was afraid for the first time in a long while.

His tears ran down his cheeks like rain, it just never seemed to stop, he suddenly dropped to the floor, now sitting on his knees.

The voices were taunting, laughing, and mocking him.

Error put his hands on his head, his sniffs and hics were the only thing audible in the Anti-Void other than the voices, Error sobbed.

It hurt so much, he felt like he couldn't breathe, he was terrified thinking that he had just lost Blue.

Error was so scared that Blue had just abandoned him just like the majority have already done.

A few days pass.

Blue heard a portal and he knew it was Error, he refused to turn around as he was still upset about the situation.

Error came out of the portal.

"Error, I can't talk to you right now, I'm still so-" Blue was cut off by the hics and sniffs that came from behind him.

"...mad?" Blue said as he turned around, to see the most depressing sight, Error looked so sad and heartbroken it was like his parents had just died today and he just came back from their funeral.

"..." Error said nothing as he was choked in tears, poor thing has been crying for a long time now and he looked so weak, depressed, and overall scared. Much more different than the emotionless looks he usually has.

"I need to say something." Error forced out, he starting explaining the most heartbreaking speech about his feelings.

"Relationships are not easy for me... I spent so long detached from anything that I don't know how to act without all my anger and toxicity because it's all I knew for so many years... It's easy to blame Ink for it and hate him, because it's hard to confront my own fears of inadequacy...And I... I took it out on you. And that is not okay. I am so sorry... I'm really trying... so, please..."

Each word struck Blue like knives digging into him, he had never seen Error open up like this or show his emotions.

Blue was at a lost for words, he thought Error had finished but Error had not finished.

"PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME TOO.... I CAN CHANGE.. . ." Error started repeating 'I can change' over and over again, each time he repeated his voice got quieter and quieter.

Error pulled his scarf to his face and started using his jacket try and wipe his tears, failing miserably.

Blue at that point had forgiven Error, he had given the most sincere apology no matter how depressing.

Blue walked up the Error and hugged him, Error started sobbing so much, he was crying and his crying was so heartbreaking to hear it was like he was crying for somebody to come back after they died.


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