Light x Reader: Allies

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This was requested a while back in December but my life got so hectic I honestly couldn't find a good or appropriate time to write this. My apologies to the requester. Anyway I hope you enjoy this one 🖤

Both parties are adults in this story; however, you are more than welcome to change age and pronoun to your comfortablity.

Light had never given much thought to a second death note holder, Ryuk briefly mentioned it but it hadn't sparked Light's interest until now. Setting acrossed the small cafe was a h/c haired girl unshamefully scribbling something down in a book. Little did she know light spotted the tatered black cover immediately after she pulled it from her napsack. Light was curious.

"Shes a death note holder" Ryuk chirped up

"I'm aware" Light curtly replied

Pulling his papers in his briefcase Light slightly strolled over to the open seat across the girl. As she glanced up the quiet girl offered him a seat.

"You are welcome to join me"

"Very well." Light replied

"Do you carry yours with you ?" The question was unexpected but Light knew exactly what she was implying

"Excuse me"

"Your death note" not skipping a beat she pointed toward Lights briefcase

"Whats a death note" entertainment danced upon Lights lips as he questioned the nosy girl

A childlike giggle excaped the girls lips "don't toy with me, you are Kira are you not ?"

Light briefly chewed the inside of his cheek, she cannot expect him to answer such a ridiculous question, but he is curious about this holder. But if he doesn't give her answers his might go unaswered as well. If he released such information to this girl he could be found out; however, someone as transparent with thier death note could be also found out. He pondered the idea.

"If I was ?" Light played the field

"I would love to be allies" the girl quickly responded. "I've seen your work and it has inspired me"

My work ? Inspired ? This isn't an innocent game of who done it.

"Kira is nothing but a serial killer" Light waved her off

"Kira would say that" a slight giggle came from the girl as she sipped her warm drink "you're simply hiding your alter ego incase I turn you over for some type of reward".

"Reward, the only reward you would get for coming into contact with Kira is a lighter sentence than me- them, I ment them."

The blood rushed to his cheeks with accidentle information.

"Aha I knew it !" The girl cheered lightly "I knew you were Kira"

A huff escaped light as he pondered the idea of coming clean.

"You walked over for this right ?" As a thick black book was retrieved from behind a college math book light recoiled. The black book wasn't a death note at all it was simply a hardcover scrapbook.

" I disguised it as so, and you took the bait" holding her hand to her mouth the young girl laughed. " I'm surprised you got so flustered, I've been following you for weeks now and aren't you hard to read but it worked !"

Looking at his watch Light exclaimed. " i've got to get back to work but meet me here, 10 sharp okay ?" With a nod Light left the girl.

As the day faded the sky melted from orange to purple and night sat in. Neither party knew what the other had planned but they both prepared to play dirty for their answers.

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