First Christmas: L x Reader

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Snow flakes fall upon the ground as I sit in the car debating if this was a good idea. L grips my hand as I slowly pull myself from my seat and up to the door hand shaking before its touches the hard oak. Fear courses through my veins as the door slowly opens. I'm not ashamed of L I'm just afraid my parents will say something out of the way or comment on his posture.

The door opens as my mother smiles and pulls me in for a hug.

"This is my boyfriend L, I told you about on the phone?"

"Yes dear, I remember." My mother replies before hugging a wide eyed L clearly surprised by the contact

"I am pleased to make your acquaintance" L smiles before picking up our bags

"Go freshen up, dinner will be in a hour." My mother informs us.

The house smells of Ginger Bread,Apple Cinnamon and Cookies ? not even a week until Christmas and my mother is getting her recipes in order, I'm sure L won't mind. Leading L to my room hoping not to bump into my father I push open the door to my old sanctuary. Posters line the walls blocking out the pale pink wallpaper , my bed still made as it was the day I left and framed photos of friends from years past scatter my computer desk.

"My calculations are correct, you have always been so beautiful." L breaks the silence as he holds a photo of me from freshmen year closely examining it.

"Nice try but I was brace face no need to boost my confidence." I laugh

"I despise when you don't that." L replies in the same monotone voice I've came to love

"I'm sorry, it's just..... All my life boys have -"

"I'm not comparable to  those boys." L cuts me off

"I saw beauty the second it looked me in the eyes." His voice much softer and un-L like as he kisses my cheek

Pushing the door closed and guarding it with my old computer desk chair, I pull L over to my bed. Sitting on the edge of mattress I wrap my arms around L's neck leaning into him as my lips softly move with his. The sweet taste of candies he had earlier still linger while his hand runs up and down my outer thigh as the other rests on my lower back.

Moaning into L's mouth as he's slowly picks the button on my jeans before unzipping them and I kick them off starting the pile of clothes yet to come. I stand up turning away from L  slowly pulling off my shirt before feeling cold fingertips dance across my hips followed by L only in his boxers standing before me

"Are you sure you want to do this ?" L asks for once in his life he looks terrified

Curling my fingers in the waistband of his boxers I kiss his chest.

"I do." I reply slowly pushing L back to the bed

"But if your parents hear..-" I cut L off with a kiss

"Listen." I whisper

L stares off into the distance as he listens motionless. Kissing down his chest I slowly reply "Mom blares Christmas music while she's baking, you couldn't even hear me scream if you wanted to." I smile sitting on L's lap taking notice to his bulge before slowly pushing my hips into his.

"And if I want to ?" L hisses in my ear as he grabs my hips pushing me down harder into him gaining a moan from my lips.

The ache between my legs strengthens at his words

"I'm sure you'll figure it out." I reply throwing my bra and panties to the floor.

I stand on my knees pushing L to the bed and towering over him while  I tease him, my entrance only inches above his growing member. Swaying my hips back and forth gently grazing his tip L grips my waist roughly before pushing me down onto him. A high gasp escapes my mouth surprised at his actions followed by a sharp pain . Slowly bouncing, building up pressure in the pit of my stomach I watch L. Lips slowly parting his steady breathing as sweat beads his forehead the image alone can pull me under. Picking up pace I place my hands on his chest balancing myself L's nails dig into my hips as he twitches inside me letting each thrust meeting with mine but his are much more harder . My eyes screw shut seconds before I'm pushed to the ground, I peer up at the now dominate L.

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