Important Update

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It's been a while hasn't it ?
No new stories
No updates (I just posted an old update way back from (8/17/16 so that's a lie)
No spelling corrections..

We've had a wild ride here, 2015-2017 was an amazing writing time for me, I've written smut, adventure even threw out some poetry on y'all.

I'm not leaving in any means but I would like the opportunity to talk on something if I can. I was contacted by a company to sell this book, not only sell it but write more chapters.. and I was gonna do it, everyone wants to be the next Anna Todd and let's be honest no one can be her, I actually started writing because of After. However I thought about selling this book and I couldn't do it.. I write for a few different sites and I always post back here because this is where I began this is where I came when things weren't so good.

What's the point of this update you may ask ? Here it is, I miss the fuck out of this book, so I want to re write it, not for some book publishing site, not for me but for you guys, I will we write all my chapters (updates will be untouched) and when the time comes you can damn well expect some fresh chapters, maybe you're not a death note fan like you used to be what happens then ? First of all you're a damn liar, but keep an eye out on my big book of anime you can guarantee I'm still writing about corporal shorty over there and I have some fresh new characters that I want to include from new anime that I finally watched.. also I've seen the junji collection and can you expect some weird stories featuring Souichi? Maybe we'll have to see (I love that fucking weirdo).

In the meantime.. I'm back.

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