Plus One: Near x Reader

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 Near and I have been together for a while now but I've never gotten to meet his family... Well neither has he but I'm still nervous of what they may think of me. A few months back Near had reached out to someone he expected to be related to, Malinda River to be exact. Malinda confirmed she was in fact Near's cousin living smack dab in the middle of Bradford, Near also learned that she's engaged and planning to wed in a few months time, so naturally Near was invited and his plus one, "it's a perfect time to meet everyone, only good can come out of weddings." I remember hearing Melinda say over the speaker phone.

Four months, one invitation, seven days of dress shopping and ten layers of makeup later I'm now getting ready for a wedding for people I have never even met.

Finally I curl one last strained of hair and pin it in the back adding it to the bun when Near walks in, my heart skips a beat, dressed in a fitted black tux, white shirt and black dress pants he stands in front of me twisting a long strain of hair around his finger.

"Does this look alright, it's too tight, I have to wear these weird shoes, I can't wear white and-" I cut Near's rambling off

"You look handsome." I reply tying his bow tie.

"It's too tight because you live in a tent you call clothes, those shoes look perfectly fine and you could have worn white if you truly wanted to." I explain to the white haired boy as I slip on my heels

Near holds my hand as I step into Creme colored stilettos matching my burgundy mid thigh length dress. Making our way to the car I sneak peeks at Near. I've never seen him dressed up, I love Near for who he is but in that tux he's breath taking.  As we arrive at the small chapel my heart races, I've never been one to hug, talk or even look a stranger in the eye and in seconds I may have to do all three. Lacing his fingers into mine Near makes his way through the doors, dripping sweat from his palm Near pulls me down into a pew as we share the same nerves.

"We should tell someone we're here." Why the fuck did I say that

"Indeed." Near replies still stuck to his seat.

"I'll lead the way." Holding out my hand to the adorably nervous Near

I pull him behind me looking for someone in a big white puffy princess dress, no luck in our search Near stops me in a small hallway.

"I want to leave." Near pleads

I've never seen Near this nervous about anything, he solves crimes for crying out loud and he's afraid of a wedding. I open my mouth to calm him but soon realize it's not the wedding he fears it's being in the same room with people who share the same bloodline but never shared words before this day. I nod preparing to leave before a small hand rests on my shoulder

"You mustn't leave quite yet." A slender, pale blonde haired girl in a pastel lilac dress stops us

"It's just, we can't find the bride to pay our respects." I reply

"Well you've found her, I'm Melinda, you must be Near and his date, grandmother will show you to your seats, I'd stick around but I'm in a rush" Melinda replies before taking her leave

The resemblance of Melinda's grandmother and Near are uncanny, both share grey eyes, height of a middle schooler, white hair and the very same vacant stares. Taking our new seats with Near's and Melinda's grandmother wasn't as exciting as I thought. She didn't engage in conversation with us, not a single glance toward us and no grandmotherly smiles at her long lost grandson. Soon the wedding would start and off we'd go back home from this awkward encounter. Every once and a while I'd notice Near looking at the elderly woman, he longed for a small encounter but she'd never give him one. Looking down at his fingers Near mopes in his seat, I lay my hand over his and share a warm smile, the harsh words I had for the lady next to us were not appropriate for a church. 

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