Drunken Truth or Dare: Mello x reader

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Hissing comes from my newly opened beer bottle as I place the cold object to my lips.

"he says... He says what are you gonna do shoot me ?" Mello laughs mid way through his story

"And... An-" a hiccup leaves his mouth

"I did." Slapping his knee and booming with laughter Mello chugs the remaining constance of his alcoholic beverage before grabbing another

"Less.. Less play a game." I reply common english not leaving my mouth

"Truth or dare ?" Mello asks bolting from his seat

"Yes. Yes truth or dare." I reply sitting up on my knees

"Calm down there spaz." Matt laughs throwing a beer cap at me

"Truth." I yell out waiting for someone to take my invitation

"Err.... Okay I got one, is it true you're a virgin ?" Mello asks

"What ?" My voice squeaks

"Matt told me that you blurted out on what of your drunken nights that you in fact are a virgin so answer." Mello adds

"Yes." I reply looking down at the floor embarrassed

"Dare." Mello speaks up

"is it true that you've never had a girlfriend ?" My mouth drops as the words leave my mouth, apparently I have no filter when intoxicated

"Never needed one."Mello answered while taking a swig

"So you're a virgin." I reply staring at my bottle trying to seem uninterested

"Of course not, I'm not a pussy and besides you don't need a girlfriend to have sex." Mello's laugh haunts me

"Dare." Matt breaks the awkward silence between Mello and I

"I dare you to..... kiss me." I mumble out taking Mello's dare

A blink-less Matt siting across from me pauses before placing his hands on the floor and leaning toward me as I do the same closing my eyes, meeting in the middle his soft lips run against mine as they graze my lips, tilting my head I pull myself closer and sit on my knees, I jolt back as a beer bottle clinks against the wooden floor.

"It slipped." Mello harshly answered our confusion

Risky questions are asked, childish dares thrown at each other such as running naked around the block or Mello's sweet chocolate will be melted over the stove and washed down the drain, Matt's Playstation would meet it's demise if he doesn't answer truthfully to embarrassing questions, the night slowly goes by, sharing laughs at ordeals that will be forgotten. Hiding behind his goggles Matt snores boom through the tiny apartment, throwing a throw pillow at him startling the sleeping Matt I giggle behind my hands as the cup my face waking a sleeping Matt before he jumps at the contact of the small pillow against his face as Mello takes out another beer

"Go to bed Matty." I talk through the laugher

Matt does just that, picking himself off the floor and stumbling through the living room to his room. I shake my head and return my gaze to Mello, eyes red he rubs them once more.

"I ..... I Think I'm gonna hit the hay as well." Mello breaks the silence before gulping down the full beer he picked up only minutes ago

"But I thought we were playing truths of darrre." I huff as I stutter my words

"Nah, it was only fun when Matt was playing." Mello replies rubbing the back of his neck

"Wuss." I hiss at the blond haired boy

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