Intro *91 days too late*

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I am Dazerzhiz, but Daze, Dustfingers, Dust, and Dusty are all acceptable nicknames.

I redact my age, and I go to great pains to redact or otherwise conceal anything that may reveal something important about me in real life.

I use they/them pronouns for a similar reason. I will permit it/its pronouns too, just to avoid possible grammatical snaggles.

I am an alligator shifter Mythical-to-be

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I am an alligator shifter Mythical-to-be. My journey started on January 15, 2021, and has continued to the present day.

Updates will likely be sporadic, on a "when I feel like it" basis.

Everything scribed into this journal is true. If you do not wish to accept such ideas, then leave now. Otherwise, you are free to continue.

 Otherwise, you are free to continue

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Enjoy :)


I am aware of those who are suspicious or hateful towards Otherkins and Tulpamancers.

To this, I'm not going to just say "Don't like? Don't read."

But I will say this:

Are you condemning them for simply being otherkin or having tulpas, or for actually glamorizing/promoting immoral or illegal actions(or just incredibly idiotic things)?

For example, cringing at a wolfkin for eating raw meat and poisoning themselves is fine(I think this actually happened at some point, comment if you know). Being otherkin is no license to do shitty things to yourself or others.

Cringing at the umpteenth brony tulpamancer who's had sex with their autistic skygender/moongender/applegender half-wolf half-demon neko pony hybrid abomination is fine. (I and my tulpas would freely cringe too.)

But I don't condone hating on the ones who are simply existing. After all, everything is a spectrum.

If you need perspective, think about Christians. (*I am not trying to be hurtful towards Christians or draw comparisons[like how goddamn pedophiles try to compare themselves to LGBTQ+ individuals *ugh*], I am merely using an example of a common belief that likely more than 90% of people have experience with*)

Some Christians are just normal people. They just exist like the rest of us. Others are hateful bigots who use their religion as an excuse to carry out immoral acts.

You would cringe at the second type. But you wouldn't cringe at the first type for being Christian. You've probably met(or have friends who are) kind, decent, and rational people belonging to the first type.

TLDR: Don't hate people for who they are or what they believe. Hate them for doing/promoting immoral, illegal, or idiotic actions.;l

- Signed,

Dazerzhiz, Tal, Tinesha, and Hex

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