Birth plan

548 13 5

Pierson is 36 weeks/ 8 months

Nobody's POV

Brent and Pierson were watching movies on their couch and having a lazy day

Pierson: I'm going to grab some chocolate from the pantry

Brent: Ok

Pierson waddles to the Pantry and spots the chocolate but it is on the very top so she grabs a stool and stands on it thinking she will reach it but she couldn't.

Pierson: Bubsies

Brent runs to the pantry and sees Pierson standing on the stool

Brent: Pierson Baby why are you standing on that stool

Pierson: Because I want chocowate she says in a baby voice

Brent: Bebe you could have called me

Pierson: I sowwy

Brent: It's ok cutie

Pierson: Can you please grab me the chocolate

Brent: OK But first get of that stool before you fall

She gets off the stool and Brent grabs her the chocolate. They sit on the couch and continue to watch the movie

Brent: Baby

Pierson: Yes luv

Brent: Have you thought about how you want to have the twins

Pierson: Oh Yeah thanks for reminding me, Dr. Barnes even asked me at last weeks appointment to discuss with you. She wants to know what type of birth we want and tell her at the next appointment which is tomorrow.

Brent: Ok good what were you thinking

Pierson: Well I wanted to be in the comfort of my own home and I want it to be as natural as possible so I was reconsidering a home water birth or a regular home birth. What do you think?

Brent: Well babe I don't really care about what you decide, I just want you to be as comfortable as possible. Who do you want in the room with you

Pierson: Well obviously You, My mom, and I wanted the two Lexi's but Lexi h. would still be at her moms house in Utah. So I just want your sister Lexi to be there.

Brent: Did you ask her

Pierson: Yeah she was excited and I asked your mom but she said that she was going to the Bahamas with your dad from dec. 10th to dec. 26th

Brent: Oh yeah I totally forgot

Pierson: *YAWN*

Brent: It's pretty late so lets go to bed and plus we have an app. tomorrow

Pierson: Ok

They take the elevator and go in their room

Brent and Pierson Pregnancy and Toddler seriesWhere stories live. Discover now