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The next morning

Brent's POV

I heard some noise coming from the playroom. Pierson was getting Shaniqua ready, which meant Greyson and Ivanna were up. Pierson literally couldn't sleep yesterday because she couldn't bear the fact that her son hated her. She was tossing and turning and at one point, she even started to cry again. I almost woke Greyson up to tell him to apologize but it would be no use. He would be so sleepy that he wouldn't take a thing I said. It obviously hurt Pierson so much because Greyson is so attached to her and this is their first 'fight.'

Nobody's POV

Pierson: Good Morning

Brent: Good Morning Honey

Pierson: Look at how cute Shaniqua looks in her Xmas onesie

Brent: Awww

Brent gives them both kisses and goes to brush his teeth

After Brent is done, they go to the playroom to find the twins playing

Greyson tries to run to his room because he knows what is coming

Brent: Take 1 more step young man and you won't have Ice cream ever again

Greyson freezes

Brent: Both of you sit on the Mat right now

Brent and Pierson sit on the rocking chairs in the room

Ivanna: Good Morning, daddy and Mommy

Brent: Good Morning Ivanna.

Pierson: Morning Sweetie

Brent: First things first. I want Ivanna to explain what happened yesterday and then Greyson it will be your turn

They both explained their sides just as Pierson explained to Brent

Brent: Ivanna, you have to stop crying over little things like this. You are the older sibling. When you see the way your mom was stressed out yesterday, do you think it was appropriate to be crying so loudly

Ivanna: No

Brent: Your big enough to just ignore your brother. If I'm not there, tell mommy but if I'm there come and tell me. And why on earth didn't you guys eat your supper

They shrug

Brent: Ivanna, I want you to apologize

Ivanna: Ok, I'm sorry Mommy. It won't happen again

Pierson: It's ok, baby. I'm sorry for leaving you in the bathroom to clean the throw up alone

Ivanna: It's fine. You looked stressed so I helped

Brent: Your punishment is that you will only be having fast food once a week or once every two weeks

Ivanna and Greyson: Nooooo

Brent: Greyson

Greyson: Yes

Brent: Where do I even begin. Explain why you would think it's ok to call your sister names

Greyson: I just wanted to make her cry

Brent face palms his self and shakes his head

Brent: That is no tablet for the rest of this week

Greyson: Dad-

Brent: Shush. You called your mom by her first name

Greyson: Yes

Brent: No sweets for the rest of this week. You asked her how dare she call you by your full name, you told her that you could give birth to her, You slammed the door to my house, You broke the vase I bought for my Wife, You told your mother that you Hated her Greyson, not once but you had the guts to repeat yourself, and locked the door on her.

Greyson looks in his lap because of how guilty he feels

Brent: Your mom cares about you so much that she told me not to punish you yesterday. After all you said and did, she still cares about you. Greyson, I am being so serious rn. Look at me

Greyson looks at him

Brent: I don't expect to see my wife crying her eyes out when I come home from having a fun day with my friends and I don't want to ever see that again. I won't tolerate any name calling or rude words in this house either. Have I made myself clear

Ivanna and Greyson: Yes Daddy

Brent: I am really disappointed in the both of you guys. You stressed her out a lot yesterday. If a person gets stressed out a lot, knock on wood, they can get really sick

Their eyes fill with tears

Ivanna: I'm so sorry mommy. I didn't mean to stress you out

Greyson: Me too Mommy, I'm sorry. I don't want you to get sick. I promise I don't hate you. Please don't get sick because that is really scary. I still really love you

Pierson was on the verge of tears

Brent: I don't want to scare you guys. I just want you to be aware of the consequences. Ivanna and Greyson, from now on, you will be only getting fast food once a week. But Greyson, You will not be getting your tablet, or sweets for a week. You will also be using the money you were using to get that new toy, to buy a brand new vase for your mom-

Pierson: No Brent, I'll just buy another one. He is just a child

Brent: Yeah but he was able to make you think negative things about yourself and He needs to know that bad behaviour comes with punishment.

Greyson: It's ok, Mommy. I'll pay for it

Pierson smiles at him

Pierson: Come here

Greyson and Ivanna give her a hug

Pierson: I missed you guys. It has been the hardest 15 hours of my life

Greyson and Ivanna: We are sorry

Pierson: It's ok. I made breakfast. Let's go eat

Later that day, Brent and Greyson went to get the vase and Pierson bought him the toy.

Later that day, Brent and Greyson went to get the vase and Pierson bought him the toy

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Brent and Pierson Pregnancy and Toddler seriesWhere stories live. Discover now