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Jeremy quickly dials 911

The boys also contact their parents

Brent looks through the security camera and watches the whole scene and starts to cry

Ben calms him down

Operator: 911 whats your emergency

Jeremy: My Girlfriend, her friends, and 2 babies are kidnapped

The boys look at him in shock

Jeremy puts the call on mute

Jeremy: We'll discuss this later

he unmutes

Operator: Since what time

Jeremy: About 30mins ago

Operator: Do you have any evidence they have been kidnapped

Jeremy: we got a hold of 1 of them and she told us they needed help and then someone grabbed the phone and ended the call and also because we saw the whole scene on the security cameras

Operator: Ok I have sent some police officers to your address which is ********************* am I correct?

Jeremy: Yes please

Operator: Great, they should arrive in the next minute or 2 to do an investigation. Please don't freak out because we will find them ok

Jeremy: Ok

He ends the call and they hear a knock on the door

Ben goes to open it and 4 police officers come through the door

Ben takes them to the kitchen

Officer 1: So can I have the names of who you are, the people who have been kidnapped, their gender and relation to you please

He gets out his note pad

Ben: I'm Ben Azelart

Jeremy: I'm Jeremy Hutchins

Dom: I'm Dominic Brack

Brent: I'm Brent Rivera

Dom: The names of the missing people are Pierson Rivera, Eva Gutowski, Greyson Rivera, Ivanna Rivera, Alexandra Hensler, Alexa Rivera, Sofie Dossi, and Katie Sigmond. All of them are females except for Greyson. BTW we are all one big group of friends

Officer 2: and the relationships please

Brent: Pierson is my wife, Greyson and Ivanna are my 4 month old twins, and Alexa is my sister

Ben: Alexa is also my girlfriend

Jeremy: Katie is my girlfriend

Dom: Sofie is my girlfriend

Officer 3: What about Alexandra and Eva

Boys: They are our friends

Officer 4: Ok can we see the video please

Brent: Ok here it is 

He shows them the video on his phone

The police officers go outside to investigate and finds some tire tracks

Officer 2: They are definitely in a van because you see how far apart the tires are

Officers: yes

They take pictures

*On the boat*

Twins: waaaaa

The wooden frame slides open

Man 6: Why are they crying

Girls: They're hungry

Man 4: I thought only she was the mom

Pierson: I am the only mom

Man 5: Then why- nevermind

Pierson: Can you please close the frame so I can feed my babies in peace

Man 4: sure but we are half way through the journey

Lexi H.: Where are we going

Man 3: To the lighthouse

Girls: what

The man slides the frame back to its position

Pierson starts to sob and then she picks the twins and starts to breastfeed them

They comfort her to stop crying

Back at the house

The officers come back to the house and find the guys pacing around

Officer 4: I need you guys to relax because we have a useful amount of evidence and we will find them

Boys: Ok

Office 1: Can you guys check if any of their locations are on

Ben: I highly doubt it but sure

They all look

Ben: Lexi's location is on and it says she is in the middle of the Huntington beach ocean

Boys: What

Officer 2: They might be heading to the unlocked lighthouse

Officer 3: I am telling the dispatcher to get the emergency boat ready

Boys: Can we come along

Officers: OFC

The boys call the parents and let them in on the newest information

The boys follow the officer and they get on the boat and start going on their 1 hr long trip to save the girls.

Brent and Pierson Pregnancy and Toddler seriesWhere stories live. Discover now