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the twins are 4 months

It was a warm evening at the amp house and everyone was chilling.

They were all in the living room

Pierson: Let's go make dinner Girlies

Girls: Ok

Sofie: We can not trust the boys with the twins so I'm bringing them to put them in the high chairs

Lexi R.: Good Idea

Katie: Yeah

Boys: RUDE

Lexi H.: She's only speaking facts

The boys playfully roll their eyes at the girls as they leave the room to go to the kitchen

Eva: So why don't we make-

Then all of a sudden, the girls feel a sharp pain in their thighs and they all black out

Man 1: Let's load them into the van and grab the babies because they will be waking up in 15 minutes.

Man 2: Yeah sounds good

Man 3: Since there are 6 girls and 7 of us, let's all grab one and I'll grab the babies

Man 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7: Ok

They all load them into their van

15 mins later

They all wake up at the back of a van and since there was a wooden frame the people driving couldn't hear them

Sofie: Where are we

Pierson: Omg why are we at the back of a van

Lexi R.: I'm really scared

Katie: Are we kindapped

Eva: No please don't say that

Lexi H.: Then what is the explanation of this


Girls: ssshhhhh

The wooden frame slides open

Man 1: Hi luves, If you guys haven't noticed, you aren't in your house anymore

Sofie: First of all we are not your loves because we are all taken

Pierson: Yeah where are we

Man 4: Right now we are on a boat going to the middle of the Huntington beach ocean to let you guys have fun with our boss. So get comfy because this trip takes 1 hr. btw I took all your phones and switched them off

Girls: What

Katie: What type of fun

Eva: yeah

Man 7: Oh you'll see when you get there beautifuls

Lexi R.: Eww what

Lexi H.: Didn't you hear her

Pierson: All of us are taken, these are my kids

She says as she points to the twins who are now asleep on Eva and Katie's lap.

Man 6: I like this one, she's Feisty

He pulls Pierson's chin up and Pierson slaps him

Man 2: Oh babygirl you'll regret that

Eva: She's not going to regret anything

They laugh and slide the wooden frame back to it's original place

Lexi R. and Katie start to cry

Sofie: Guys don't worry we'll be fine 

They all nod and sit in silence

*back at the house*

Dom: Guys I don't here any talking or stuff coming from the kitchen

Brent: Me too 

Jeremy: Let's go check on the girls

Ben: yeah

they go to the kitchen

Ben: Where are they

Brent: I didn't see them go out the front door

Boys: neither did I

Jeremy: They didn't tell us they were going anywhere

Dom: I have a bad feeling they are in danger bro

Brent: and the twins

Boys: yeah

They all call their girls and it goes to straight voicemail except one

Back in the van

Lexi R.: I feel something vibrating on my butt.

The girls look at her with discombobulated looks

She gets up and finds her phone

she quickly answers it and Ben says where are you guys

The wooden frame instantly opens and the man catches Lexi with her phone


The man quickly ends the call and but forgets to turn her phone off

Man 5: Doing stuff like this only makes your punishment bigger my loves

Katie flips him off

He chuckles and closes the frame again

Back at the house

On the phone

Girls: Help us please

then the call ends

Ben: They're in danger

Brent: Call the police bro my wife and kids

Dom: where are they bro i'm scared

Jeremy quickly dials 911

Brent and Pierson Pregnancy and Toddler seriesWhere stories live. Discover now