
408 8 17

The wooden frame slides open

Man 7: We are here

Girls: Great

The men come to the back and open the van

They all grab one girl

Man 6: Give me the twins

Pierson: No thank you I'm good

Man 3: Girl, it wasn't a Question it was a statement

Eva: Boy shush

Pierson: If you touch my kids, I will beat you and change your diaper

Girls: Trust her, she'll actually do It

The Man just rolls his eyes and leads them into the lighthouse.

He takes them to the very top and they sit there and wait for 15 mins

*Knock Knock*

A man in a long black cloak, grey shoes, and dark black hair enters the room

Men: Good Evening boss

Boss: Good Evening, you guys did your jobs well now go downstairs and get the place ready.

The girls look up after hearing a familiar voice only to find out this it was

Girls: ANDREW ( Again Andrew Would never do this)

The men leave the room

Andrew: That's Mr. Davila to you

Lexi R: But Andrew why would you do this

Andrew: Why not I want you guys to myself so I took you guys

Sofie: But Andrew We are all taken

Andrew: By me ofc

Pierson: Andrew I get it but why did you have to bring the twins into this 

Andrew: Because I want to cause Brent more pain by taking his most prized possessions

Eva: But Andrew this is not cool

Andrew: Does it look like I care

Lexi H.: Andrew Why do you want to do this to us

Andrew; Because you kicked me out of the squad so, It's the least I can do

The men come back in 

Katie: Andrew please let us go we promise we won't tell anyone about you

10 Officers bust into the room

Officer 1: Too late It looks like we already found out

They all gasp 

Officer 9: On your knees and put you hands where I can see them

They do exactly as the officers said

Andrew: How did you guys find out

Officer 3: Next time turn their cell phones off

Man 3: This is all Man 5's fault, you took the phone and never switched it off

They put handcuffs on their wrists

Officer 8: Yeah Yeah, Save the accusations for the cell

The 8 officers grab the men and put on a separate boat and the remaining 2 untie the girls and take the to the boat where they can meet the guys.

They guys run to the girls

Ben: OMG Lexi Are you ok

Brent: My babies I am so sorry

Dom: Oh Sofie I miss you so much. I am so glad we found you guys

Jeremy: Katie Did they do anything to you guys

Girls: No, they were about to

The guys go and hug Eva and Lexi Hensler too so that they don't feel lonely

The whole ride home they talked about what happened in the past 2 hrs and called the parents to tell them the good news

Brent and Pierson Pregnancy and Toddler seriesWhere stories live. Discover now