Chapter 4

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("Hmmm, I think you'll like this one. An arsonist with something personal to burn. It's always so much better, you see, when it's personal."

His smile was something cruel, something you did not like at all.)

Cold blue eyes gazed vacantly into the man's tear-stained face. His hitching sobs were muffled by the cloth stuck into his mouth, but that did nothing to relieve the fierce burn in his black charred arms.

"Are you really that loyal to my father?" The man's captor asked with just a drop of real curiosity. The man didn't know if he preferred it when his captor had been nothing but bored, burning hands that didn't so much as flinch as he screamed when they first pressed against his arms, or this new curiosity that brightened with each new burn on his skin.

The man didn't know what he much wanted, except to be free from this place and those cruel, cruel blue eyes.

"Hey." A hand knocked against his head and brought his wandering thoughts back to the present, "Don't die on me, yeah? I still got some questions."

The man furiously shook his head because the truth was nothing was worth this torture, forget his 'loyalty' to his employer. It was just- he didn't know what his captor wanted. No answer he gave him was satisfactory, and the answer that his captor wanted, the man didn't have.

A part of him knew he wasn't getting out alive.

That part of him was relieved when his captor sighed and said, "You really don't know, huh? Shame. Guess I'll have to go looking again."

He reached forward and a burning palm pressed flat against the man's throat. Within seconds, he was dead.


You're there when Martin begins recording the first statement since Jon went into hiding. Not for any particular reason, just that you knew it would leave him drained and you think he could use some pick-me-up after. You left the room for a while, getting some of the files you yourself were working on and two cups of tea, one of which you set down just as Martin finishes up with the follow up on the statement. He gives you a grateful smile and goes to reach for his cup, before his gaze is drawn to something, or more accurately, someone behind you.

"Oh- er- hold on. Er- excuse me? Excuse me!"

When you turn around, you see Melanie King approach the both of you. Your heart stutters and kicks into overdrive.

"Yes, hello."

You're busy fumbling with your phone when Martin says, "This is- the Archives aren't actually open to the public."

"Er- I know. There- there wasn't anyone on the door, though. I'm- I'm looking for the Archivist."

Before Martin can reply, you show him the message you typed on your phone. 

Let me talk to Miss King. You finish up the statement.

"...Right. Um- Miss King, this is (F/n)." You give Melanie a short nod. "They'll- They'll help you out."

"Oh! No, there's no need really- I just need to talk Jon, that's all."

"Ah well..." Martin glances at you as you turn your phone to Melanie. 

Will you accompany me to the nearest cafe? It's to do with Jon and its... urgent.

Melanie raises an eyebrow as she looks back up at you. "...Why?"

Please. I swear I won't take up much of your time and you can come straight back here.

"...Fine." Melanie still looks awfully skeptical, but you can't really blame her for it. You know you sounds very suspicious right now, it's just- you need to get her out of here, right now. Before Elias comes down here and gets to her too. "Just so you know, you're being awfully ominous."

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