Chapter 15

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Shout out to that one person in the comments who basically said, 'I think Tim's going to make it out alive, but something bad's gonna happen to him'. Got it in one ;)



ELIAS: Really (F/n), all of that struggle, and for what? Was it worth the consequences it earned you? Being stuck in a loop of your own worst memories?

Well. I suppose there's no point to this chatter when you're not even here to hear it. I will say though, I don't plan on missing an opportunity just because you couldn't be bothered to mind your manners.

(Rustle of papers)

Oh (he makes a pleased sound) I wasn't aware... well. Looks like he did make a statement, in the end. You'll like this one. (Elias clears his throat)

Statement of Leo Kilsylvian, regarding his time working under Gertrude Robinson.


MARTIN: Th-That- um. Hah, sorry, I'll just- (Martin pulls a chair to the side of the bed and sits down) Sorry, sorry. I'm a little shaken, that's- that's all.

(pause) He's gone. E-Elias is... gone. Locked away.

I don't think it's quite sunken in yet? (Laughs nervously) I- I don't know if it- if it ever will any-anytime soon. Um-

I found something. In- in his office. I think he might have wanted me to find the- the-

They're tapes. I- I haven't played them yet but... they have your name on them. A-all of them do.

I don't know what they are. I don't...

I'm kind of scared? Of- of playing them?

I kind of feel like I shouldn't but... but maybe I should. They can't be anything good if Elias left them behind but-

What's the worst that could happen, right?


TIM: You promised. You promised you'd be careful and now-

(Sound of a fist thumping against a wooden surface.)

They don't even know if you'll be okay, you know? Say you're catatonic but clearly, it's more than that if your bloody eyes won't stay shut.


I know Martin's mad at me. Can't blame him. I don't plan on sticking around long enough to hear it though.

I think you were right (F/n). I think I messed up.

I thought- I thought that maybe- that maybe the explosives wouldn't be enough. Or- or- or that our whole plan would fall right through the moment those fucking clowns started dancing. I just wanted it to work. I needed it to work.

Jude and the others, they're- they're a really bad crowd. They deal with a different kind of terror than the Eye and I- I think you were right. When you said it was worse?

I can't stay here any longer though.

I can't do it- I can't. I'll do something stupid if anyone tries to keep me in those damned Archives any longer. But I-

I can't come back here either.

If Jude and the others find out about you, if anyone of them does-

I won't let them. I can't let them.

Martin will- yeah. You've always kept your head under pressure, (F/n), I'm sure you'll figure something out. You're the only one that didn't hate it here.

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