Chapter 13

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Helloooo! I'm sorry if this chapter is shorter than usual but heyyyy, the big bad Unknowing is comingggg. Please, everyone pray that Tim makes it out of this alive.


"You're still going to China?" Basira's voice is flat in disbelief, and the same is mirrored in the utterly unimpressed look the she's giving Jon.

"Well- yes. Yes, I am still going to China- the only thing we found in that storage unit was- was a burnt gorilla skin and explosives!" Jon throws his hands up in exasperation.

"That was the plan from the start," Daisy provides, "Just means that the old woman had the same idea."

"It- no, look. Frankly, I don't buy it, alright? Your whole plan of just- exploding the Unknowing- frankly, it sounds like the kind of backup plan you come up with when you've got no other choice except to- to throw yourself at the problem and hope for the best."

That is so rich coming from Jon, Mr. let's-break-a-cursed-table-and-hope-for-the-best.

Basira arches an eyebrow, "And what d'you expect you'll find in China that will stop the Unknowing?"

"Something! Anything!" Jon exclaims, "Gertrude must've gone there for some reason, right? There has to be something else we can do."


"Look." Jon sags, "I've already booked the flight and I- I think it might be worth something. Just- just to check. Just in case there's more to all of this. Maybe- maybe something we missed or-or-"

Basira and Daisy exchange a look, the kind that people who've known each other for a long time do when they don't need words to talk.

Frankly, you don't really care what Jon does, in this case. You know there's nothing for him to find in China, nor when he inevitably follows the trail to America. You thought that with bringing Gerry here you could save Jon the trip but- well. You couldn't have quite accounted for how stubborn the man can be when he sets his mind on something.

You're also doing your best to ignore how Jon avoids looking at you as much as he can, ducking under your gaze and pretending he's waiting for Basira's verdict.

"Fine. I still think it's stupid, but if you think you'll find something abroad, then I can't stop you." Basira crosses her arms, "Just- don't get kidnapped again."

Jon's mouth opens in protest, only to click shut a second later. "Yes, fine." He grouses, "You say that like it's my fault."

Basira arches an eyebrow, making Jon's expression pinch further. You huff silently at the display, a small smile on your lips.


The Archives see half a month of quiet. With Jon gone and no more leads you urgently need to follow, it's back to the peace of filing again. Elias still has Martin and now Basira recording statements, while you work mostly on getting through the discredited section as fast as possible. You know those statements aren't important but- well-

You can't handle reading statements. They always trigger a panic attack, and you just- you can't. You can't do them.

No one asks you to either, and neither do you get asked to clarify why.

It's fine.

Of course, half a month later Jon finally comes back from his wild goose chase. Surprise of all surprises; turns out, China was a dud and so was America!

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