Chapter 11

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Alright! Even though I procrastinated on looking this chapter over until the very last second, we are finally here! If you have the time, go check out my lovely beta venfx on AO3 for saving me from editing hell.

Also, important note: At some point, there is the line:
Is this a date?
which is not followed up. At this point it depends on the reader whether they do wish it to be a date or not, because it can be read either way.

And that's all! Happy reading!


Michael scares the crap out of you by popping straight out of your closet

"Jesus Christ–"

His shoulders hitch with discordant laughter as you press a hand against your racing heart, waiting out the pump of adrenaline in your veins. You give him the dirtiest glare you can manage, swatting at the hand that tries to rest on your shoulder.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry. The way you jump is awfully amusing, though."

"What do you want, Michael?" You grumble, pointedly ignoring the way his body seems to unfold, uncannily similar to the way origami unfolds, as he climbs out of the closet. You move past him to your nightstand, where your phone is kept. 

"I want to cash in that favor."

You freeze. Slowly, you turn to face Michael. Your voice is purposefully light as you say, "Yeah?"

He gives you a bemused look, knowing full well that he's sent your mind into overdrive. "Yes. I'd like your company for the entirety of today, with no questions asked."


"...And what are we doing?"

Michael wags a disapproving finger, the air around it moving like syrupy honey, "That's a question, dear (F/n)."

Your mouth pulls down into a displeased frown. "You won't even give me a clue?"

Michael laughs again, "That would ruin the surprise of it! I do suggest you get ready in comfortable clothes, because we will be outside for most of today."


You stare at the gates of an amusement park, caught somewhere between bewilderment and hysteria. Funnily enough, the first thought in your head is the unasked question of Is this a date?

...It's probably not a date. Probably. Right?


You look at the tall blonde impossibility standing beside you. "It's an amusement park."

"Yes. Have you ever been?"

"Yes? I don't–" You look in the direction of the park, then back at Michael, "Why are we here?"

Michael's fingers twist like curly fries, knotting together into a tangled mess, a pantomime of hand-wringing. "Do you wish to go elsewhere? I just assumed that everyone likes amusement parks."

"No, that's not–" you make a frustrated noise in the back of your throat, "This is fine but I don't– why are we here? Are we here to hunt something down? Someone we're looking for? What are we doing here?"

Michael cocks his head to the side and it strikes you like a lightning moment of clarity, he looks nervous. "I wanted to keep your company today? Is this not a place where people go to enjoy their time?"

"I–" the rare moments you get to speak and only ever around Michael and your words decide to fail you. To be fair, what is there to say? Michael brought you here to... spend time with you? Just for the sake of it? Why? "I guess this is as good a place as any. Do you– you just wanna... go in? Like– just– do rides and stuff and roam around?"

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