Part seven- Harley? Wedding!

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Vanessa Pov-

Smiling, I twirled a strand of my newly curled hair around my finger. It was up in a loose, almost a messy yet neat bun, all curled. But a few pieces fell at the side of my face, which I liked. My makeup was done, I had light foundation on to just to make my skin look and feel smoother. Then I had a pretty neutral eyeshadow on with a thin line of liquid eyeliner along with mascara. My lips, also a neutral pink to add some colour to them.

I looked better than I ever would normally, in fact, for once I looked beautiful, I felt beautiful.

Emma, Kelsey and Nareesha were just getting on their dresses whereas I was waiting a bit. Their dresses were dark blue and down to the floor, and they flowed down apart from the top half which was fitted to their waist and bust. We picked them together to match the color scheme of the wedding. Blue, white and silver.

I'd always dreamt of this day. I didn't imagine it being so soon but I couldn't be happier. Today I was going to marry the love of my life and it was going to be perfect.

Knocking me from my thought, the doorbell sounded. Knowing it was either going to be Tom as he was walking me down the aisle, or one of the other lads to pick up the ring, I opened the front door to have the shock of my life!

''Harley?!'' I questioned, the slut from years and years ago suddenly appearing on my doorstep. ''Hello Vanessa.'' She grinned, stepping past me and into the living room. ''W-why are you here?'' I stuttered. ''I haven't seen you in so long.'' I added, not to sound too rude.

''I've come to talk to you, tell you something.'' She nodded and I half smiled. ''Do you want a cup of tea?'' I offered and she shook her head. ''I doubt I'll be staying long.'' She shrugged.

''It was me.'' She simply said and I pulled my eyebrows together in confusion as to what she was saying. ''What was you?'' I asked, oblivious. ''I was the one spiking Nathan's drinks on his stag do.'' She stated and my mouth dropped. ''I attempted to ruin your relationship or at least postpone the wedding but obviously-'' She indicated her finger towards me. ''I failed.'' She finished.

''Nathan was cheating on me with you, using me every time you went back to Jay, that hurt.'' She frowned. ''But I didn't care, I just loved his money and fame, not him.'' She went on. ''Now I am warning you Vanessa.'' She moved right on front of me and heart rate increased as she scared me. ''If you don't put a stop to this wedding, I will get you.'' She snarled.

''What the fuck is she doing here?!'' Kelsey screeched, entering the room, followed by Emma and Nareesha. ''Remember what I said.'' Harley snarled. ''I'm not ruining my wedding day for the likes of you.'' I spat and she slapped my cheek as hard as she could.

I suppose she would have hurt me more if Emma hadn't have stepped in and pulled her away and towards the door. ''This isn't the last time you'll see me.'' Harley grinned evilly before Emma chucked her out of the flat.

''Are you okay Vanessa?'' Nareesha questioned, rushing to hug me. ''I'm fine, just a little worried to what she's gonna do.'' I sighed. ''She won't do anything, you and Nathan are meant for each other and you're getting married today whether she likes it or not!'' Nareesha stated and I half smiled.

''Is my cheek red?'' I laughed and Kelsey winked. ''Nah, it'll go down anyway.'' She smiled. ''Help me get my dress on?'' They all agreed and we excitedly rushed off.


The butterflies in my stomach went wild as I stepped out of the Mercedes car outside the church. Tom followed behind me and linked my arm with his and he led me to the front door to await them opening.

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