Part nine- ''You so totally got some action!''

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Vanessa Pov-

''What are you doing here?'' Kelsey exclaimed, stepping forward, Tom soon standing at her side. ''Well I told you to watch out, didn't I?'' Harley's sickly smile appeared on her face. ''You're not wanted here.'' Nathan snarled, his arm instantly wrapping around my waist and pulling me closer.

''This could have been us.'' She snapped. ''We could eb this happy right now.'' She added. ''We could have never been happy Harley, I never loved you.'' Nathan replied, no emotion in his voice.

''But you could of, if that bitch didn't ruin it.'' She snarled, pointing in my direction. ''Don't speak about her like that!'' Jay warned, stepping forward, to the other side of me.

''Don't tell me you've forgiven her?'' Harley rolled her eyes. ''Don't you remember what she did?''

''It's been over four years Harely, you need to let it go.'' Jay mumbled.

''No!'' Harley shouted. ''Vanessa didn't want you Jay, she wanted him. Every time you were recording in the studio, or you were away, she was with him, behind your back, using you. She only pretended to love you.'' She harshly snapped, smirking, like she was proud of herself.

I looked to Jay who's head was bowed as he stared at the floor. ''And who's to say she won't do it to you to?'' She asked Nathan. ''Because I know her, she loves me and I trust her.'' Nathan answered. 'I bet she still loves Jay, you know?''

''Whatever you came here to do isn't working Harley, so just go.'' He warned and she nodded.

''Don't worry I was leaving anyway.'' She huffed before tottering out.


''It's all about you and me now and no one is going to ruin it.'' Nathan smiled as his lips pressed against my forehead. I closed my eyes as I rest my head on his chest. ''I had an amazing day, Nath.'' I told him. ''I know you did, but if she didn't turn up, it would have been better.'' He sighed.

I sat up so that my weight rest on my elbows, and I could look down at his face. ''I only wanted one thing, I only dreamt about one thing and that happened, so it really was special.'' I smiled down at him. ''And what was that?'' He asked, his hand stroking my cheek.

''I married you.'' I whispered and he grinned before pulling my face closer to his, kissing me softly. ''Are you sure you can put up with me for the rest of your life?'' He chuckled and I giggled along with him. ''It'll be hard but I'm sure I'll manage.'' I winked.

Nathan began to tickle me which meant he could pin me down. His knees either side of my hips and him towering over me, he smirked. ''Did you enjoy the after party we had ourselves?'' I nodded and pulled him closer, so that our chests were touching.

His breath was warm on my face and my heart pounded against my chest as his hands travelled down to my waist. ''Think we could make tonight better?'' He whispered, seductively. ''I think we could try.''

I bit my lip and then let them find his. The kiss was passionate, and full of heat. My hands moved up to his hair and knotted themselves into it as he groaned against my lips.

His mouth then went straight to my neck, finding my weak spot almost instantly as I pulled at his hair and brought him closer. He pulled away and tugged at my top before removing it from over my head. He then kissed me again, but pushing my shorts down at the same time, whilst I worked on his boxers.

He un-did the clasp on my bra and pulled it off before throwing it somewhere in the room. I could feel him hardening quickly but I enjoyed making him wait, teasing him until he couldn't take it any longer.

We were off to a good start.


My phone ringing woke me up the next morning. It was Emma, wondering when we were going to all meet up for a coffee. You see, me and Nathan had decided to wait a bit for a honey moon as he was just so busy at work and had booked enough time off for the wedding anyway!

''Yeah I'll meet you there in and hour, I just need a shower.'' I told Emma and she agreed, hanging up the phone. 

So after a relaxing shower and sorting myself out after last night...I was ready. I tied my hair up into a messy bun, applied a light layer of makeup and then went to check on Nathan.

To my surprise, well it wasn't a surprise at all really, I saw Nathan still sound asleep in bed. I bent down to kiss his cheek and then I scribbled a note down on some paper to leave next to him on the bed. You know, so he wouldn't have a panic attack when he wakes up and notices I'm not there...

Silently, I crept out of the room and down the stairs. Grabbing my bag, I stepped out of the front door and locked it behind me.

I decided to walk to town, since it wasn't that far off and I wanted to think rather than get annoyed at idiot drivers! My mind kept thinking back to what Harley said at the wedding. I mean I knew I had hurt people to be with Nathan, but I guess I never thought of the real effect. 


I'll always remember the words he said to me before leaving that day after he found out. ''I really loved you.'' The tears streamed down his face as he looked down at me, my pathetic self. I really hurt him and I never apologised properly. Obviously I said sorry, but was that really enough?

I needed to see him, apologise for what Harley said. I can never repair the damage I did, but maybe I could seal the cracks. 

Soon enough, I saw Emma sat on her phone at a table and I waved frantically in attempt to get her attention. It eventually worked and she smiled at me before standing up and giving me a hug. 

''Had a good two days?'' She winked, nudging my arm. ''What's that supposed to mean?'' I laughed and she shook her head, with a smirk plastered on her face. ''They say that the first year after marriage is always the most sexually active.'' She stated and my cheeks turned a deep crimson colour, the events of last night appearing in my mind.

''You so totally got some action!'' Emma announced, the whole of starbucks looking in our direction. I slapped her arm and awkwardly laughed, shaking my head from side to side.

''Coffee?'' Her voice spoke and I nodded, still attempting to shake the images out of mind. I nodded, looking at her and she smiled. She wandered off to get the drinks whilst I sat down at the table she was at. 

My mind drifted back to Harley and the wedding and Jay. 

I needed to talk to him.

*Hey guys!

I'm sorry this part is so rubbish and stuff but I had no idea what to write hahahaha, so yeah:P

I hope you still liked it and please comment with what you think:) 

Please vote and fan me too, I appreciate it muchly:D

The next part will be better I promise!


Thanks for reading,

Love Lizzie. x*

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