Part twelve- ''I love you too, Mrs Sykes.''

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Vanessa Pov-

As I flicked through the channels, my mind switched back to Nathan, like it had done ever since I left. Four days of marriage, I thought as I finally kept Come Dine With Me on. Sighing, I put my feet up on the couch and grabbed my phone from the coffee table in front of me.

I was angry at myself more than anything, why didn't I just stay? Me and Nathan could have worked it out, right? But maybe he was right, maybe I do just run away from my problems.

I missed him, and I wanted to go back and see him, have him wrap his arms around me like he used to and tell me it was okay. And then I wanted to feel his lips on mine and feel safe, feel loved.

It had been around a week since I last saw him and it sounds cheesy but I longed to be with him. I had spoken to Emma, and Max a little bit, but mostly Tom. He was always there for me and I needed him. Since I was alone in mine and Emma's old flat in Nottingham, it was good to have someone ringing me up and asking how I was. They all tried to persuade me to go back but I just felt like I shouldn't and I should keep the space me and Nathan needed, well that I thought we needed.

And look at how that was working out!

I thought about what Nathan would be doing right now. He'd probably be in the studio writing, recording or making a brew.

Suddenly, my phone started to vibrate and I realised it was Nathan who was calling me. My heart sped up and beat double time. My hand was shaking as I slid the bar across to answer the call.

''H-hello?'' I stuttered, but it was muffled sound I could hear, like the phone was in his pocket or something.

''What are you doing mate?'' I heard Tom's voice boom from somewhere. ''I'm making a cuppa, what does it look like?'' Nathan snapped in reply. Well, I was right about something! ''Alright, mard arse!'' Tom exclaimed.

''I'm sorry, mate.'' Nathan sighed. ''You miss her, we all do, Nath.'' Tom soothed. ''But what if she doesn't come back? Do you remember last time? Seven months! And even then, if we hadn't have bumped into her, she wouldn't have come back!'' Nathan sounded stressed, from the tone of his voice.

''She misses you Nathan, she's your wife!'' Tom told him. ''Oh yeah, I forgot you'd spoken to her.'' Nathan's voice was dry towards Tom. ''Well it's more than you've been doing!'' Tom argued. ''I'm sorry.'' Nathan replied. ''I know.''

''What can I do? I messed up big time and I just want her to know that I love her.'' Nathan asked. There was a pause but then Tom spoke again. ''Something you didn't do last time, you go and get her!'' Tom's voice was happier this time and I knew Nathan would agree. He did everything that Tom said and that he thought was right, obviously.

I hung up the phone before he realised I was hearing everything said. You know, in case he checked it or whatever.

And I felt happy again.


A knock on the door woke me up. I groaned before checking the time, 2 in the morning, really?

I sighed and got out of my bed. Trudging through the flat, I made my way to the front door and not paying full attention, swung it open. 

I rubbed my eyes and looked up to see the sparkling green eyes I had missed. Before anything else, I felt his soft lips on mine. It was hunger filled or desperate, it was soft, and comforting. Nathan gently pushed me backwards so that he could close the door. 

''Jump.'' He mumbled against my lips and I did what he said, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck so I wouldn't fall. We broke away from kissing, and I rest my forehead against his. 

''I'm sorry.'' I whispered, removing my eyes from looking into his and to the floor instead. ''You have nothing to be sorry for, Vanessa.'' He told me, lifting my face with his hand so I was looking back at him. 

''I shouldn't have said the things I did-''

''You were angry.'' I inputted, playing with the bottom of his shirt as he put me down. ''Thats no excuse.'' He shrugged. ''But I didn't mean any of it, you know that, right?'' He asked and I nodded, with a small smile on my face. ''Good.'' Nathan pecked my lips and lead me into the bedroom.

''It's good to be alone with you.'' He smiled. ''We're alone at home?'' I laughed and he chuckled lightly. ''I mean, it feels like we're completely alone with no stress.'' He explained and I nodded, lying next to him on the bed. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer so my head rest on his chest.

''Can we forget Harley?'' I blurted, not knowing whether to ask it or not before it came flying out of my mouth. I sat up, Nathan doing the same and he looked at me. ''We can start again, lets forget about it all and start our marriage again.'' He soothed, leaning close to me. 

''I love you.'' I smiled, looking from his lips to his eyes. 

''I love you too, Mrs Sykes.'' He grinned cheekily and I laughed. 

''It's gonna be weird getting used to signing my name with Sykes on the end.'' I stated, just thinking about it. ''You'll get used to it.'' Nathan smiled and I nodded.

He leaned in and our lips met, those same familiar sparks flying and the shivers running down my spine as his hand touched the bare skin on my waist under my t-shirt. ''I still have an effect on you, after all this time.'' He smirked. I didn't say anything, instead, I kissed his neck and sucked on the one spot that he loved. 

A moan escaped his mouth and I stopped. ''So do I.'' I smirked back at him, and he raised his single eye-brow. ''So that's how it goes is it?'' He winked and I shrugged. 

''Give me your best shot.'' I teased.

Nathan crashed his lips to mine and pushed me back on the bed. And he literally did give me his best shot.


The morning after, me and Nathan had returned to London and everything was back to normal within a week. All the boys understood everything, and Emma was just as weird as ever!

Leah, her daughter, was so excited to see me so me and Emma took her to the zoo, and thats where I told Emma. Obviously she told me to tell Nathan but I just didn't know how to!

''Hey babe.'' His husky voice whispered in my ear. His hands snaked around my waist and his head rest on my shoulder. ''What's for tea?'' He added. I spun around to face him and smiled. ''Spaghetti Bolognaise.'' I replied and Nathan grinned.

''My favourite!'' He announced, pecking my lips. ''I know.'' I smiled and he sat at the table. I dished out the pasta and sauce and then placed the bowl in front of him, before putting my down on the table also. 

''How's work been?'' I asked. ''Good, recorded a new song today that me and Jay wrote.'' He nodded, with a face full of pasta. ''What's it called?'' I smiled. ''Everything is made to be broken.'' Nathan answered ad I shrugged it off.Me and Nathan were good!

''I have something to tell you.'' I started and Nathan looked up, worry on his face. ''What it is?'' He asked and I took a deep breath. 

''Nathan, I-''

''You're going to be a dad.''


Sorry it's been a few days but yesterday was birthday and the day before I was out with my friends and stuff:)

I hope you like this part, cause it's now F I N E S H E D!


Let me know what you thought on comments. About this part or the whole story:')

Thank you to everyone who read it, voted and commented, it really means a lot to me to know you've enjoyed my writing!

And thank you to everyone who posted on my message board for my birthday yesterday, I love you all!

And yeah, this is dedicated to Emma (@sykestent_tw) Cause she's amazing and I love her. x

Thanks again everyone,

Lots of love,

Lizzie. x*

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