- #1 [Car Crash , Almost] -

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"back in black!

i hit the sack!

i've been too long and i'm glad to be back!"




[Y/N's POV - 2nd Person]

The car drove smoothly across the road, suitcases jumping about in the back. I sat with my father in the front seat. The window was down and the fresh air blew on my skin making me smile.

My mum died recently. She overdosed. Thinking about it makes me tear up real bad so I push it to the back of my mind but it's not easy. Once we had the funeral, we moved away.

Staying in the house wasn't too good for me and my dad's mental health. So we moved.

Specifically to Newton, Massachusetts. We bought a nice house there and we are driving there right now. Our car is holding most of our luggage and clothes but the moving van will be with us in a day or two.

The car journey was pretty long but I hoped it'd be worth it when we got there.

- t i m e s k i p -

The car turned a corner, revealing a sign which read:

You are now entering
Enjoy your time here!

I thought my eyes were deceiving me but as I looked I realised there were lines crossing out the last sentence and some scruffy writing in red spray paint.


My eyes widened at the words and I sat back into my seat praying that my father wouldn't see the sign.

Luckily, we passed without him noticing. I tried to change my train of thought by looking around the neighbourhood. It worked until I saw police tape around an area that was called Cold Spring Park.

There were police cars surrounding the entrances so no one could get in. My dad gave me a small smile and told me not to worry, that he'd look into it later.

I thanked him and drove around, trying to find our house number.

Once we had found the correct building, we parked our car on the drive and got out. I stepped back onto the road to get a bigger view.

"Wow it looks gre-" I was cut off by someone pushing me to the ground.

"Hey what the fuck dude!" I shout to a kid who looked the same age as me.

His hair hung in front of his dark eyes as he stood up. He towered over me as I lay on the grass from our front garden.

He put out a hand offering to help me up. I slowly accepted it and he helped pull me up.

My father had come rushing towards me, muttering something. I stared at the kid and saw a car slowing down behind him.

"Holy mother of god.."

He smiled at me slightly and scratched his neck. I was lost for words.

"Well I- thanks." I panted throughout my words. The corners of his lips turned upwards into a sleek smile.

"Your welcome." He said in a quiet tone of voice and looked down at his shoes.

"Well hi! Um I'm new to the neighbourhood.." I greeted him.

"Well that's great to have someone new here! Maybe I could show you around..? You're going to school right?"

I nodded before thanking him once again and saying goodbye.

I entered the house with my father comforting me and helping me stop shaking.

I sat down on the mattress that my father had just pulled out the car boot.

I caught my breath back before my dad spoke.

"So do you think you and that boy will be good friends?" He asked from another room in the house and it echoed throughout the halls.

"To be honest I don't know!" I yelled back.

"Maybe?! I guess.." I trailed off. He seemed nice enough. I found myself smiling while thinking of him as I shook it off my face.

I laid down on the mattress and curled up into the fabric, breathing in the dust and coughing slightly.

I shut my eyes and let my head sink into my 'bed' and warmed up myself by rubbing my arms.

[Jacob's POV - 1st Person]

I watched through the window as her eyelids drooped and closed. I smiled and left.

A/N: How are y'all liking the new story?



𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 , jacob barberWhere stories live. Discover now