- #17 [All I Wanted Was Another Love] -

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"i wanna cry and

i wanna love but

all my tears have been used up..."




[Y/N's POV - 1st Person]

I woke up on the sofa as Jacob sat next to me, on his laptop. I groaned and he bolted to the side of the bed.

"Hey, you alright? I was waiting for you to wake up." He smiled sweetly at me.

I tried to sit up but my limbs felt extremely heavy. My back was sore and I could feel throbbing in my head.

"Ugh, my head." Was all I managed.

"Yeah well you took the fall like a champ. You passed out and fell straight off your chair, according to our tutor." He shrugged.

"Can I go upstairs?" I slurred.

"Well I doubt you can stand up, let alone walk but we can try?" He scratched the back of his head.

He put one arm around my waist to support me. I laid my left arm over his shoulder and we walked together.

We were doing well until I stumbled and my knee buckled letting my slip for Jacob's help.

"Shit!" He cried out. "Are you okay?!" He kneeled down and tried to haul me up again.

"I-I'm fine, I can do it by myself." I shrugged him off.

"No you can't. Let me help. Please."

I didn't say no this time. Instead of 'helping' me, Jacob picked me up and sat me on the bottom step. There, he wound my arms around his neck before placing his hands under my thighs and lifting me up.

My legs automatically wrapped around his waist and I knelt my head on his shoulder, breathing shallowly.

My heart beat fast as his hands made their way up my thighs and sunk in my skin. I could feel my palms become extremely clammy and my face went red.

When Jacob laid me down on his bed, he did it in such a way where he ended up kneeling on the bed, his body hovering over me.

His hair hung in front of his eyes, but I could tell he was looking at me.

This situation pumped adrenaline throughout my body and I suddenly found myself about to move, only slightly though.

I sat myself up and Jacob backed away and sat at the other end of the bed. We faced each other in silence.

"I'm sorry. About you father I mean." He fiddled with the bedding.

Bringing up my father wasn't the best idea because a sudden wave of sadness came over me and I found my vision blurred by tears once again.

"Oh I fucked it up didn't I?" Jacob asked, gesturing for me to come hug him.

I made my way over and hugged him. He was still sitting up on the bed with his legs stretched out. He told me sit on him so I did. I sat on his leg and hugged him. We were sorta in the same position from when he carried me upstairs.

Expect he didn't have his hands under my thighs this time. My legs were straddled around his waist and our chests were touching. His arms embraced me deeply and I accepted them.

I don't know how long we sat there for but we stayed there until Andy and Laurie called us down for lunch.

Me and Jacob didn't want to sit with anyone so we were allowed to bring our food up to Jacob's room with us.

Jacob put Nirvana on and we just sang and danced together. It made me feel really good about him. I don't know who that was in the woods but this is a completely different person.

We were the last house on the block and no ones at our house so the only people telling us to turn it down were Andy and Laurie.

We had calmed down after a bit and were sitting downstairs lying on the floor and looking up at the ceiling. Andy and Laurie had gone out for dinner and me and Jacob stayed at home.

"Remember? Do you remember that night?" He said sadly. But being reminded of that only annoyed me.

"Yup. I remember you leaving me in the woods!" I retorted back through gritted teeth. I sat up and moved on to the sofa and Jacob followed and sat beside me.

His hand was placed on top of mine again and a strong sense of deja by shot through my brain.

He picked up my hand, making me flinch, but stroked it with one finger. He outlined the shape of my hand. He made his way down to my finger tips which made me shiver.

He brought his other hand to mine and picked it up to his lips and gently kissed my hand, like they do in royal fantasy movies.

"I ran that night because..." He trailed off.

I started at him and clenched my fists.

"Why? Why did you run?!" I said; getting more angry.

"Look Y/N, you're really pretty and I saw you when you came into town-"

"Great! That's great isn't it! So you watched and followed me?" I yelled at him.

He just stared back at him.

"You're such a fucking stalker! You creep!" I cried out, backing away from him.

"You can't blame me! All I wanted was a friend!" He exclaimed.

"Why did you do this? Is it because you hate me? That's why isn't it! But why did you kiss me then? Why did-"

"Because I loved you!" Jacob but me off. "That's why. Because I loved you..." He quieted down.

You'd only just met me.

Jacob moved over to the armchair that sat opposite me.

"I ran because there was somethi- someone in the woods. Someone who wanted to hurt me and I couldn't stand the thought of you getting hurt because you were with me."

I moved over to the armchair, intending to kneel beside it but Jacob pulled me onto his lap.

"Jacob who was it in the woods?" I asked quietly.

He shook his head and started crying in my lap. My heart broke and I comforted him.

"I-I didn't kill him. It wasn't m-me. I didn't do it."

He lifted his head to look at me.

"I, I didn't kill him."

I placed my hands under Jacob's chin and lifted his head up to mine, where I placed a kiss on his lips.

all he wanted was another love. i think he got it.

all my tears have been used up...

𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 , jacob barberWhere stories live. Discover now