- #8 [Dream , Totally] -

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"i know they got pills that can help you forget it, they bottle it call it medicine

but i don't need drugs... 'cause i'm already high enough

you got me, you got me good..."




[Y/N's POV - 2nd Person]

Sweat drip down the side of my face as I ran. My legs were shaking and I struggled keeping my feet in place without tripping over them.

My throat was burning and my heart was pumping, fast.

I heard him behind me. I locked eyes on my house and started running towards it. I tripped on the curb and fell on to the grass.

My legs weren't moving, numb.

My breathing became shallower and breath's quicker. I started having a panic attack.

Last time I had one was when I found my mother in the bathroom,

My eyes became glossy and my vision blurred but I tried moving. I could see him standing next to me.

I struggled on the pavement.

He kneeled down. I turned my head to meet his eyes.

Jacob Barber.

He had a mad looking grin on his face. I sobbed through my fucked up breathing.

He picked me up,
bridal style.

He gripped my body tightly against his and he carried my into his house.

His parents didn't seem to be home because my screams were ignored.

He sat me down on the couch. I scrambled away from him, falling off the sofa.

The strength in my legs returned and I stood up to meet his eyes.

He pushed me against the wall, pain reverberated throughout my body.

I saw him smirk and his grip on my arms tightened making me wince.

He chuckled slightly and brought his face closer to mine.

I looked in his eyes. In books or films they always say that there was so emotion in them and it always sounds like bullshit.

But it's wasn't. Not for this boy.

There was nothing.

Absolutely nothing. Empty.

Like a...



I suddenly sat up in bed. My breathing was fast, very fast. I tried to process what just happened. Well, nothing really. It was a dream. But it felt so real.

𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 , jacob barberWhere stories live. Discover now