- # 9 [Her , The Pretty Girl] -

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"and if you're still breathing, you're the lucky ones

'cause most of us are heaving through corrupted lungs, setting fire to our insides for fun

collecting the names of lovers that went wrong, the lovers that went wrong."




[Y/N's POV - 2nd Person]

I shook my fear off and checked the time. 6:38am.

I started getting ready and I changed into a simple but comfortable and baggy outfit.

I started getting ready and I changed into a simple but comfortable and baggy outfit

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It's my first day of school today but I'm really not in the mood. I sighed and pick up my keys, bag and some money.

I went to grab my board but it was sitting on Jacob's porch. I stared at it for a minute but it was very dark since it was early in the morning. I quickly diverted my eyes to the same window from yesterday.

As I expected, I saw someone swiftly move away from the window making the curtains shudder.

I furrowed my brows but discretely went over to collect my board. I left note on the counter for my dad since I don't have my phone.

Gone out early, getting food from gas station. Got my keys dw. I'll be back early, promise. Cya after skl.
- Y/N

I threw down my board and immediately got a strong sense of déjà vu. I pushed the thought out of my mind and skated to the gas station where I bought my food.

I then skated around a bit more to where Jacob had shown me the school.

The school wasn't open yet so I sat down on the stairs outside and ate.

Later, it started raining so I held my head high and let the water drip down my neck. I shivered but shrugged off the sensation.

I got a strong feeling that someone was watching me but I couldn't see anything because of the rain.

Suddenly, someone put up my hood. My eyes burst open and I turned around to see a pretty girl with beautiful curls.

Her humorous expression faltered and fell when she saw me.

"Oh shit I'm so sorry! I though you were Audrey! You look like her." She apologised.

"It's fine no worries." I told her.

"Hey, you new?" She asked.

"Yeah I just moved here. It's my first day, obviously." I replied.

"Gotcha. Anyways, my names Sarah what's yours?"

"Y/N. Sarah is a nice name."

"Thanks! Could say the same for you." She smiled.

I studied her face. Her full lips curved upwards into a cute smile, her eyelashes fluttered every time she looked somewhere. The rain slipped down her hair like oil in the most affectionate manner. Her almond skin shimmered in the rain.

She looked at me and my heart skipped a beat. I had a sudden urge to put my hand on hers.

"You're bea-"

The bell cut me off and we were both startled but then we laughed.

"What were you going to say?" She said getting up.

"Oh nothing. It's fine, really." I said, getting up with her. I shivered at the rain once more.

"Oh okay then." She smiled but I could tell that she didn't believe me. It was a lie anyway.

- t i m e s k i p -

The day went pretty quick but I didn't see Jacob anywhere luckily.

I had Sarah in a lot of my classes which was nice but she didn't pay much attention because her friends kept her busy.

After school, I went up to her.

"Hey, does Jacob not go here?" I asked.

"Oh," she looked surprised that I'd brought up the matter, "no, not with everything that's been going on, no. He's homeschooled now."

I was confused but I took what information I got.

"...everything that's been going on..."

What the fuck does that mean.

"Hey wanna come to mine tomorrow?" Sarah asked me. Her eyes sparkled.

"Oh um, yes sure! I'll tell my dad I'm sure he won't mind." I grinned anxiously, surprised I didn't stammer any of my words.

"Great! See you then!" She said and walked off down the road, a spring in her step.

I'm going to the pretty girls house.

𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 , jacob barberWhere stories live. Discover now