- #4 [21 Dares] -

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"and here it is, our final night alive

and as the earth runs to the ground

ohhh girl it's YOU, that i lie with..."




[Y/N's POV - 2nd Person]

As me and Jacob lay in our spot I feel him shuffling about before pulling out a stick from underneath him. We look at each other and laugh.

I locked gaze with him, our heads laying on the dry ground while flowers and tree surround us. I smile slightly before I feel him touch my hand.

I froze for a second before accepting and letting our hands fall into each other's. We grasped each other firmly and looked back up at the night sky.

An idea popped into my head making me sit up. I caught a glance at Jacob's face, just to see his happy expression fall slightly. I felt bad.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Let's play 21 dares." I remarked with a grin.

Jacob groaned. "Oh no that game no! I'm so fucking bad.." He laughed it off.

"Ok I'll start. 1, 2" I trailed off.

"3, 4, 5" Jacob continued.


"7, 8" Jacob hurried up.

"9, 10, 11" I kept up.

"12, 13"

"14" I said.

"15, 16, 17" Jacob said with a slight smirk.

"18, 19 20" I grinned brightly. A look of fear dawned on Jacob's face.

"21.." Jacob slowed down.

I laughed teasingly at his expression.

"Aw goddamn it." He laughed back. "What devils work do I have to do now?"

I looked around us.

"Oh nothing big. Just down the rest of your Pepsi and finish off you Takis in less than a minute." I smirked.

He gasped dramatically.

"You monster! That's a waste!" He fake cried.

"You have to do it!"

He looked at my with a 'I'm-gonna-kill-you' stare. He sighed and picked up the food.

"Fine." He said sulkily.

I clapped my hands together, excited to see how this was going to go down.

He opened the Pepsi bottle with a hiss and told me to start a timer. I set a one minute countdown on my phone and got ready.

"3, 2, 1, GO!" I shouted.

He brought the bottle to his lips and started gulping down mouthfuls of Pepsi. I saw him scrunch up his face and wince at the fizziness. He finished the last drop and picked up the Takis.

"37 seconds to go!" I sounded like a host.

Before putting a Taki in his mouth, Jacob burped loudly making me slap my hand over my mouth and laugh uncontrollably.

He shrugged it off and started stuffing the snack into his mouth, 4 at a time.

His eyes started watering from the spiciness but continued to chew.

He finished the bag with 12 seconds to go.

He sighed heavily.

"That's GOT to be a world record I don't care what anyone says." He states.

I stared at him, holding in a laugh but it came out as a snort.

"Alright Peppa Pig calm down! What's so funny?" He glares at me intently.

I stare back at him. All around his mouth were crumbs from the Takis.

"You have a little.." I point to my mouth, somehow holding in a chuckle.

He connects the dots and looks surprised. He licks around his mouth.

"Did I get it?" He looks at me.

At this point, I can't take it anymore and I start wheezing.

"I'm guessing that's a no." He says in an over dramatic depressing tone.

I calm myself down and try to get my breathing back to normal.

"O- ok wait. Wait- just a sec." I breathed in and out. He stared at me dully.

"Ok stay still."

He sits up straight and lets me crawl closer to him. I kneel, my body leant over his crossed legs. I used my fingers to dust of the crumbs.

I was too busy focusing on removing the crumbs for Jacob that I didn't see his arms snaking around my waist.

"There we go! I'm do-" I exclaimed as I fell forward thanks to Jacob pulling me over. We land, our chests touching.

I look up to see Jacob staring at me. My stomach suddenly filled up with butterflies. I couldn't focus on Jacob leaning in because I was so busy on trying to lose the odd feeling in my stomach.

By the time I snap out of my own reality, Jacob's lips are on mine.

𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 , jacob barberWhere stories live. Discover now