- #15 [Heartbeats] -

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"i got my red dress on tonight,

dancin' in the dark,

in the pale moonlight."




[Y/N's POV - 1st Person]

I woke up in an unfamiliar room, squinting as my eyes  adjusted to the light. I studied my surroundings before everything came back to me. I threw my feet out from under the covers and ran out the room into a corridor, doors leading everywhere.

One door was slightly ajar, I heard video game sound effects and then excited shouts.

Intrigued, I slowly walked over to the room and peeked through the gap to see Jacob.

My heart skipped a beat. Don't ask why.

I went to walk away when Jacob spoke.

"Want to join me?" He asked.

Goosebumps ran up and down my arms making me shiver profusely.

I turned around and walked back to the door and opened it, the creak of the hinges making me jump.

He patted at a bean bag for me to sit down on, a console controller lay upon it.

I pick up the controller and slowly sat down on the bean bag, the styrofoam balls crinkling beneath me.

Jacob quickly teaches me how to play and I get the hang of it.

We have a go at the game for a couple of rounds, Jacob winning most of them, before heading down for breakfast.

Even after our fun morning, I still sit at the opposite end of the kitchen counter to eat.

I am continuing to thank Andy and Laurie for everything they have done, while they are shaking their heads and saying that it was no big deal and that anyone would've done it.

Neither I or Jacob go to school that day, actually, we don't go back to school for the rest of the school year. Instead, Jacob and I are tutored together.

Over the span of a couple of weeks, me and Jacob have grown a lot closer.

A few weeks in, I started getting night terrors. Usually I would just try to forget about it and fall asleep but tonight's was worse.
A lot worse.

I was shaking and my palms were extremely clammy.

Andy and Laurie were asleep, I had checked, so I went to see if Jacob was wake.

He wasn't but my crying eventually snapped him out of his restfulness.

He swivelled his head round to face me, eyes widening at the state of me. I stood there, arms by my side, slightly hunched over. My face was mid-way through a silent scream of pain.

He shuffled around in his bed and lifted the covers and waved me over to join him.

I obeyed, only because I wanted to be with someone right now, and walked over to him.

I snuggled down on top of the mattress and Jacob brings the covers down on us, warmth filling the air between us.

I laid on my side, looking at Jacob, sniffling. He reached out and pulled me closer to him, hugging me in the process.

My face rest against his chest, I can hear his heartbeat.

It's soothing.

I hug Jacob back, we tighten our grips on each other and the small gap that squeezed between us was filled with tension.

Suddenly, I feel Jacob kiss the top of my head and my body immediately relaxes.

My ragged breathing is no more and is now soothed and measurable.

I forget about everything and just listen to Jacob's heartbeat once more, the booming sound reverberating throughout my body.

His chest rose and fell as he take deep breaths.

I simply fell asleep, breathing in time with Jacob.

𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 , jacob barberWhere stories live. Discover now