I have no idea what this is, and I'm going to replace it soon

14 4 4

Possible order of writing the next books?

I - me

II - Audrey

III - me

IV - April

V - Audrey

VI- I don't know, I'm sure Audrey'll find someone weak, untalented and gullible enough to balance it out.

VII- Well, we haven actually gotten this far yet, but maybe Sasha?

VIII- ah we'll have lost interest by now

An interrogation

"Owen why is there no bread left" - my mother

"I ate it" - me

"But there's no butter or margarine or jam or anything, dear" - my mother

"And.... I ate it" - me

"You ate bread? Just raw bread?" - my mother

"Yes" - me

"There was half a pack left though" - my mother

"And... I ate it" - me

"Why?" - my mother

".... I like bread" - me

My mother to teach me that you can't just eat raw bread (she failed):

"Why are you like this" - pretty much my mother most of the time

"Owen! Bread? Really? Why didn't you let me have some?" - my father

"Husband we're trying to teach Owen not to eat raw bread, stop, you're encouraging him" - my mother

"But I wanted some bread!" - my father

*sigh* - my mother

A conversation I had recently with my parents:

"Come on let's go for a walk" - my father

"It's raining" - my mother

"And your point being?" - my father

"We haven't got our coats" - my mother

*runs outside anyway and encourages us to with him - my father

*throws peas at my mother* - my father

*getting hit by peas by an incredibly immature adult* - my mother

An introduction to my parents:

The irresponsible one (honestly he'll do anything. Right now he's taking a nap and reading his history magazine but whenever we get mushrooms in our garden he'll eat them, with no idea if they're poisonous or not despite all the Survial books saying don't eat mushrooms unless you're 100% sure they're not poisonous) - my father

The practical and responsible one - my mother

Humorous Nonsense IIIWhere stories live. Discover now