Alexandra cant lie

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"Alex!" Remus shouts, running to catch up with the slytherin, closely followed by James, Sirius, Peter and George.

"Hey, I'm in a bit of a rush I really have to go" Alexandra replies, not wanting to be rude but also not wanting to leave Regulus waiting for her too long as she was already ten minutes late.

"Doesnt matter, whatever plans you had, cancel them" Sirius says

"Yeh" James agrees, nodding "since you are becoming a honorary marauder, you need to help come plan a prank"

"Im honered to be a honorary member but I cant right now, but I will in like three hours" Alexandra promised.

Sirius shook his head "but we need you now."


"Fine then, we'll do this the hard way" he decided walking up to her and rapping his arms around her in attempt to pick her up, but almost as soon as he had began he stopped as he realised she was the same height as him -if not taller- " moony a little help please?" He asked.

"Really?" Remus asked skeptically.

Sirius nodded enthusiastically and Remus sighed. "Sorry Alex."

"Oh no you don't." She laughed ducking beneath his arms and running the oppisite direction.

"Get her!" Sirius shouted.

But Alexandra had spent enough time on the quidditch pitch to be the same speed as James and Sirius, and she had, had a small head start, besides as soon as they realised where she was headed they left her alone, no-way would they ever be caught dead any where near the library.

"Your late." Regulus observed as she rushed in, still running, just in case.

"Shush!" She got a stern look from madame Pince.

"Sorry." She whispered and then again "sorry." But this time she was whispering to Regulus.

He shook his head "dont worry, I worked it out whilst you where doing whatever you where doing" he began, referring to a question in the transfiguration homework he had been assigned, that Alex had came to help him with.

Although Regulus would never admit it to anyone except Alexandra as she helped him, he wasn't very good at transfiguration and only kept studying it to please his family.

"What where you doing anyway?" Regulus asked.

"Thats a good question." The slytherin muttered, Regulus raised his eyebrow "well it includes, as you would put it 'a less handsome version of you'"

Regulus frowned for a moment "you aren't going to start dating my brother are you? Cause if you did I dont think I could be your friend anymore."

Alexandra laughed aloud at that, but when Regulus seemed confused at what she was laughing at, she realised: it wasn't a joke.

"Reg-" where did she even start? How about: Im gay and crushing on a blonde girl who is still very closeted and way to good for me. Or Maybe: Sirius is gay and head over heals in love with his werewolf bestfriend, who is also in love with him but their both to oblivious and dumb to see it. Or prehaps both. But why go into that much detail. "Im gay." She finished.

"Oh." He said. "Me too."

She almost laughed.

"Well not gay-gay, you know, I think I'm more AC/DC, but you know what I mean."

The two of them stared at eachother grinning, before they both burst out laughing. It wasnt even that funny but the two of them just couldn't stop laughing till they where kicked out of the library by madame Pince.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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