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The papers on the desk make a sea of ​​pending work that doesn't seem to do anything but multiply. It's like, for every old and out-of-the-way document, three newer ones wait around the corner.

Alex exhales hard, running his hands through his hair to ruffle it a bit in his exasperation.

Lately the work has only accumulated. Things that are not even directly related to his job have somehow made their way onto his desk, invitations to events, letters of any kind, personal impressions, any arsenal of irrelevant paperwork piling up on his workplace. The lawyer ruffles his hair again, beginning to separate the documents.

He's thankful that he has something to constantly distract himself with, but the fact that it's nothing more than work is a bit... overwhelming. Very overwhelming indeed.

The man separates the papers, trying to classify them and get rid of what is useless, when his phone vibrates. A notification.

He places the documents in his hands again on the desk, bending down to open a drawer where his phone is located. When he checks what the notification is about, he can see that it's a message. He sighs as he remembers the pending situation.

Someone, a law student, is going to come to him for advice later that day. The message is to remind him of the commitment, all the more reason to take care of the pile of paper at his workplace. The lawyer writes a reply to the message, hitting send and taking a moment to reread the details of the person who will be coming to his office later.

Their name... the name is something that stops his mind as soon as he reads it. Hadn't he noticed it before? Maybe his work had him too absorbed to notice it. He now reads the two words carefully and very doubtfully.

Wilbur Watson.


"If you need anything, please feel free to..."



No, no, no.

It's a common surname, the first name doesn't ring a bell, there is no reason to react like that. Alex shakes his head and closes his eyes tightly, feeling stupid and embarrassed by his reaction; and, in an effort to push away the painful memories trying to get through his ideas, he turns off the screen of his phone and puts it back in his desk. He sighs deeply, biting his lip hard.

What a coincidence, he thinks, going back to the classification of his papers.

A terrible coincidence.


I know nothing about laws so idk how am I gonna do this. Help?

I hope you guys like the idea, i had it planned since a long time ago, since finishing "Goodbye, My Little Bee" but all the shit got in the way and now I feel like I'm dying

I hope people find this interesting, I'm getting less and less interesting every day, same thing with my works. Sorry

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