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Walking home isn't so bad most days. Sometimes it is good to walk the path from school to home with his friends, with his brothers or just with the echo of his own thoughts.

Today is not one of those days.

Toby kicks a rock that keeps getting in his way, trying to ignore the unpleasant ideas that bounce around in his head. There's a sense of uneasiness that hasn't left his mind, since before Wilbur called his piano teacher to tell him that he couldn't pick him up today. The boy wants to think that it isn't because something bad has happened, surely Wilbur forgot some appointment or any other situation that he had to attend to at the last minute, but Toby doesn't think that his older brother has many commitments on the calendar at the moment. Lately, the only "important" thing the man has been doing in the past few weeks is attending those meetings with some lawyer, for advice or something. Boring.

However, it would have been much better if Wilbur had actually followed through on his idea of ​​forming a band, as he proposed six years ago. Instead, the eldest decided to go to university to study laws! Toby still can't believe it, it feels like an unexpected twist in his life story. He still can't imagine Wilbur as a lawyer. Pfft.

The boy opens the door, announcing his arrival with a shout from the doorway. He can hear noises from the kitchen, surely Phil.

"Toby!" From the floor above comes the call. The owner of the voice makes his appearance, a smile on his face as he runs down the stairs, tripping midway and narrowly avoiding ending his trip rolling down the steps.

"Tommy! How many fucking times have I told you not to run on the stairs!"

"I didn't, dad!" He lies, painfully unconvincing, as he recovers from the scare and heads towards the brown-haired boy who looks at him mockingly. "Bro, what took you so damn long?"

"Wilbur couldn't pick me up and I had to w-"

"Yeah, whatever." He shakes his hand dismissively, grabbing Toby's wrist and pulling him toward the steps. "I have something to show you."

Toby allows himself to be dragged away, hearing Phil scold them again as the two pairs of hurried footsteps go up the stairs.

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