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Alex looked down at the bundle in his arms, staring with disbelief and unreality at the baby boy he had just given birth to at least half an hour ago.

The tiny and not as pink faced anymore infant was swaddled in a white blanket with some colored stripes on the edges and he had a yellow and gray striped beanie on his head, to help him retain body heat after being born outside on a chilly night. His little eyes were closed, but somehow Alex knew he wasn't sleeping, just enjoying the closeness and warmth of his body, feeling him gently squirming and cooing constantly.

The teen was sore and tired, feeling the desire to give in to sleep already, estimating the time at approximately 2 or 3 AM and exhausted after the walk and having to pretty much carry his boyfriend on his shoulders and giving birth, not to mention the mental overload that the whole situation had and was causing him, but the sight of finally holding his baby in his arms made it hard for him to focus on the pain and the exhaustion. At least they had already helped him out of his vomit and fluid-soaked clothes.

A nurse had also entered the room to show him how he had to feed the little one in his arms, explaining how important it was for the baby and informing him that after feeding him they would take him to carry out the standard evaluations to determine the state of his health. The boy obeyed the woman, feeling strange and even more so with someone else's gaze on him while he did it, running into a couple of inconveniences in his first attempts; but finally, being able to see and feel the tranquility and happiness of Tobías, now feeling satisfied and safe under his embrace filled him with a peace that he himself hadn't known for a long time.

Alex gently pulled back the cap on the little head to see a thin layer of brown fluff, instead of it being black like his own hair, finding more similarity to Schlatt than to himself in his baby. Speaking of which... Alex knew that he had also arrived at the hospital. Admitted as a patient or not for his exaggerated state of intoxication, Alex didn't know, and to be honest, at the time he didn't really care either. The teen placed the cap on the baby's head again, taking a moment to run his hand gently over the soft fabric, noting the color. They had also given him a similarly colored onesie to put on the baby once the tests were done.

Between the stripes, the yellow of his clothes and how small he felt on his chest, Alex could only think of bees. A little bee in his arms.

The door opened and the nurse from earlier appeared with a soft smile on her face. "I'm afraid I have to take him, we're going to bathe him and perform the standard tests to make sure he's healthy, but I promise he'll be back in a few minutes."

The boy looked down, extending his hands to the woman with the baby between them and feeling a heavy heart at having to part from Tobías for the first time since he had been conceived. The little child immediately began to complain, noticing the familiar warmth of his body disappearing. Alex felt a pang in his chest, feeling alone already, still with his hands outstretched towards the nurse as she took him carefully and with expertise. He tried making shushing noises, when the little whimpers started getting more upset while the woman settled him in her own embrace.

"Don't worry, my little bee."

Alex dropped his hands into his lap, watching the woman turn and walk out of the room with his child in her arms, closing the door behind her. Leaving him truly alone for the first time in nine months.

"... Everything... will be okay."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2022 ⏰

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