14 - Down the rabbit hole

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Langa would be the first to admit that he wasn't...the most careful person. More often than not, he finds himself throwing caution to the wind. When something piques his interest, you'd bet he'd dive head-first into it. This was probably due to the fact that he is in that stage of his life where he was old enough to know better but young enough to go through with it anyway. 

He was the kind of person who takes his chances when it really counts.

And if things go south, he doesn't worry all that much; he trusts that all would be alright in the end.


"Are you sure all of this is really necessary?"

"Of course! You just got to trust your mom on this, okay?"

"Well, yeah but...isn't five dozen cookies too much?"

His mom waved him off, "Nonsense. You said they liked sweets, don't they?" 

Langa let out a small reluctant whine as he watched his mom flitter about the kitchen.

It was half-past two in the afternoon. His mom was busy plating a batch of homemade cookies to give to the (L/N)'s, or more specifically, for (Y/N) - the person he had asked to help him with his homework.

He did not understand how a comment he had made in passing during dinner the other night would blow up to become such a big thing. He had thought of enlisting his neighbor's help because of their close proximity to his house; it just seemed like the most convenient solution. He had idly mentioned that perhaps they might be willing to lend him a hand in his predicament. But then his mom said that he'll never know if they were unless he asked them. 

And so ask he did. 

He had gotten their cellphone number from Reki a while back (which came along with a warning regarding the (h/c)-haired teen's utter dislike for phone calls) and sent them a text, asking if they would be willing to walk him through his Japanese Literature assignment. Their conversation went something like this:









whoever you are

you probably got the wrong number

please leave me alone

If you do not desist, I'll call the cops


Oh, wait. it's Langa


Don't call the cops, please.


hmm...prove it


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