19- And all of a sudden...

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Everyone has a role to play in the great production we call 'life'.

Some gradually discover their role. Some switch characters every now and then.

And sometimes, roles are assigned.

It might just be that they did not get the memo.


After all this time, Reki supposed that a strong dynamic has been established between him and his other two friends. In his mind it sort of went something like this: Langa was the cool-as-a-cucumber skateboarding Prince Charming who is also his disciple (??)...of sorts, (Y/N) was like that aloof and reclusive relative that is so tired of life. You know, the one that you see in family reunions but couldn't help but gravitate towards because it turns out they're super nice (even though they'd claim otherwise). And then there was him - their de facto leader, the adorable glue that bands their friend group together. And as the leader, he would also like to think that he could handle being the voice of reason.

Apparently, not.

Because no matter how much he tried to talk Langa out of running a beef against the Miya Chinen, his blue-haired bestie would. not. budge. 

And who could blame him? Langa was the type of person who - when given a chance like this - would clamp onto it tightly and not let go. Reki swore that there were literal stars in his eyes when the cocky (and Miya was well in his rights to be cocky, because hello. He was Miya frikin' Chinen) middle schooler dangled the challenge right in front of his nose like a master would hold a treat in front of their dog. 

While he had no doubt in his fellow second year's skating abilities - really, he was still reeling over the fact that the bluenette was able to nail an ollie in two weeks; he was practically a prodigy - he was just worried that Langa might be getting way ahead of himself and jumped the gun with this beef. 

He would do his best to make Langa at least reconsider until he has a better grip on the basics...maybe?

So he got right down to it. That very weekend he did what any responsible student would do, and that was to completely ignore all of his homework and go skateboarding with Langa. He had been considering the blue-haired teen for a while as they liesurely passed through the abandoned mine. He just does not understand what was going through the Canadian's head.

"So, is this like your schtick?" Reki asked, breaking the comfortable silence between the two of them, "jumping into stupid situations."

"What do you mean?"

Reki's shoulders slumped. Of course the dummy was unaware.

"I mean accepting rando challenges," he then straightened himself, "y'see, no other noob would race against Shadow. Now you're taking on a Japanese National Team hopeful?" Surely Langa would see how absurd the whole situation was.


"I dunno...It sounded fun, I guess." was what Langa replied.

And just like that, all of Reki's worries sort of just...faded away. Who was he to get in the way of his bestie's fun. Without any further conscious thought, a wide grin formed on his lips. Reki supposed that he had failed Operation: Talk Sense into Langa.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2023 ⏰

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