Chapter 5: Miami

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It's been 4 hours since Mr. Lopez left. I'm still in shock. Jade & Hazel have been trying to get me off the couch but I just keep sitting here staring into space. Hazel poked her head into the living room. "Kehlani it's already almost 7pm. You should really eat something. Jade made dinner."

I looked at her but didn't say anything. I could see her worried face and instantly felt guilty. I don't want to worry them. I nod my head but stay quiet. I follow her into the dining room where Jade is already sitting. I walk over the chair and take a seat. Jade immediately fills a plate and sets it in front of me.

"Thank you" I say as I look at my plate. It really did smell delicious. We eat in complete silence for about 10 minutes which is so not us. Jade finally looked up and said "Honey I know it's a lot to take in but I think it's best if we talk about it." I look at her and nod "I just have no idea where to start. I mean the mafia really?! Dad would never want me associating with people like that! He'd be so disappointed! He'd probably arrest them!"

"I know we might have overstepped but me and Hazel looked at the file Mr. Lopez gave us on them and they deal in drugs and guns."

"Oh my god" I say as I put my head on the table. Obviously I knew that already since they're in the mafia but I still didn't like hearing it.

"But the good news is they don't do any sex trafficking or any crimes against children. In fact it says they pretty much run that city and anyone who tries to bring that type of business to their town ends up missing. Your Dad worked sex crimes so I think he would at least respect that they did that right?"

I lift my head off the table and look at her. She's right. My dad always said there was no excuse or redemption for people who committed crimes against women and children. My Dad said rapists and pedophiles should all automatically receive the death sentence. I guess my "family" thinks that too. They're just a little more literal about it.

"Yeah he would respect that." I said "See thats good at least. So if you want maybe you could still meet them. They might not operate legally but they seem to have some type of conscience" I let out a sigh.

"Yeah it would be nice to meet my siblings. It's not their fault they were born into that. I still can't believe I have a little brother and sister I didn't know about. Where does it say they live Hazel?"

Hazel smiles at me and looks back down into the folder. "It says they live in Miami" hmm well I have always wanted to go to Miami. I look at them with a smirk on my face. They both get an evil smile as well. "I'll book the tickets right now!!" Jade yelled as she went on her phone.

The flight and hotel are all booked. We're now excitedly packing our stuff. "Don't forget to bring dresses for the clubs and bikini's for the beach!" Jade yells to us from her room. I know this isn't a vacation and the point of the trip is more serious but I actually appreciate her attitude. It's taking a lot of the pressure off and giving me something positive to focus on. I guess worse case scenario I'll at least have a great trip with my friends. At least that's what I keep telling myself.

"Don't forget your gun & knife either!" I yell. "Okay!" they both yell back. I realize this might seem weird to be so casual about but I grew up around guns. My dad made sure to teach me about guns and train me on how to shoot. After we took Jade in he made sure to teach her and Hazel too.

Not to brag but I'm pretty good. He also taught us to fight. He did not take it easy on us just because we were young girls. Actually he made us train harder for that exact reason. He told us the world can be an ugly place so try to be the good in it but don't let people push you around either. I zip up my suitcase and sit on my bed. That took longer than it should have. "Guys are you done packing?" I yelled out the doorway. Hazel and Jade came walking into the room.

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