Chapter 13: Preparing

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Adriana's POV

I just finished texting with Kehlani. Omg I can't believe I have a sister and she's coming to dinner!!! Oh that reminds me I have to tell Angela to make shrimp alfredo! Angela is our personal chef and she's been with us since I was a baby. I run downstairs to the kitchen. "Angela can you please make shrimp Alfredo with cheesy garlic bread for dinner tonight please?! It's really important we're having 3 guests!" "Of course darling who are the three guests?" she asks. "I can't talk right now because I have to tell my family but I'll fill you in later I promise!" I yell as I run out of the room.

I can see my Mom in the living room. "Mom I have something really important to tell you guys so can you please just wait here while I get Dad and Lorenzo" I say really quickly and run off before she can even answer me. I sprint to my dads office because I know both him and Lorenzo are in there. I swing open the door without knocking "Guys I need you to come in the living room RIGHT NOW so come on!" I yell. "What happened is something wrong?!" Dad asks. "No I just need to talk to you guys and Mom is waiting for us so let's go!" I walk up and grab both of their hands and drag them to the living room.

"Do you know what's going on?" My mom asks Dad. "I have no idea." "Well if you sit down I'll tell you!" All three of them sit on the couch. I take a deep breath "So I invited Kehlani to dinner tonight and she agreed to come!" My parents jaws dropped. "Really she said yes?!" Lorenzo asks as he jumps up as excited as I am. When we saw Kehlani earlier today it was our plan to ask her to dinner but when she said she might leave I didn't want to ask and scare her off. Lorenzo and I agreed we would ask her if she decided to stay. "Yes! She's bringing Hazel and Jade too!" I yell.

"Lorenzo you knew about this?!" Dad asks while looking at Lorenzo. "Well I knew she was going to ask but I didn't know she said yes til just now"

"I don't understand. When did you two even talk to her?!" My mom yells. "Well this morning me and Lorenzo went to her hotel and talked to her. We wanted to get to know her." I said. "I thought I told you two to give her time!" she yelled. "Well Mom it's a good thing we didn't listen because she was going to be on a flight back to Michigan right now! We talked to her though and got her to reconsider and she just texted me saying she was going to stay and said yes to dinner! I already told Angela to make her favorite meal and she'll be here at 6:30!" I said.

"She was really going to leave?" My mom asks sadly. "Yeah but don't worry Mom you're going to get to see her again and we can all just start over and try again" "You should have asked us about her coming instead of springing it on us at the last minute" my Dad says. "Ok that's fair but I just barely found out she would come. Mom are you okay?"

My Mom looked at me with tears in her eyes. "Yes I'm okay. I'm surprised but I'm happy I'll get to see her again. Hopefully we can talk everything out this time." Mom says. Dad looks at her and holds her in his arms. "I think that would be a good idea." He says. "Well then this dinner will have to be perfect! I don't want her running away again." My mom says as she now looks full of determination as she stands up.

   "Ok we only have 2 hours to prepare and make everything perfect so everyone needs to move their ass!" she yells. "You two" she says as she points at Dad and Lorenzo. "You're going to go upstairs and put on your best suits. Adriana and I are going to help Angela in the kitchen and make sure everything is ready in time."

    "But mom why do we have to wear suits?" Lorenzo asks. Mom gives him that look only moms can give that tells him to do what she says. He raises his hands in surrender. "Ok I'm sorry. I'll wear a suit" he says as he and my father start to walk out of the room. Suddenly the front door opens. Luca and Noah walk in laughing. Lorenzo looks at them. "Run" he says. They look at him confused. "Huh?" "What" they ask. Me and my mom start speed walking over to them. "Too late now" my dad says.

    "Now that you're here boys I'm letting you know. My daughter is coming to dinner tonight so you're joining us for dinner so I want you to go upstairs and put on suits!" Noah and Luca look surprised. "Your daughter?" Luca asked. "Yes and she'll be here at 6:30 so be ready and down here on time!"

   Noah looks at Lorenzo. "Is that the girl you and Adriana told us about? When you almost shot each other?" My dad smacks Noah in the head. "Ouch what was that for?!" I roll my eyes. "Because dummy we're not going to bring that up! I finally convinced her to meet us again so you're not going to ruin it!" I yell.

   My mom looks at them again. "Exactly so you're all going to be on your best behavior! We're not going to mention any mafia business while she's here either. Got it?" The boys nod their heads yes. "Good now upstairs all of you!" They all head upstairs not daring to question my mother. "Ok Adriana let's go help Angela" "Ok mom" I say as we walk into the kitchen. We see Angela has just started cooking. "Hi girls" she says smiling.

   "Hi Angela. Adriana said she already talked to you about the meal right?" "Yep shrimp alfredo pasta with cheesy garlic bread coming right up" My mom looks relieved. "It's Kehlani's favorite" I say. My mom turns towards me and smiles. "It is?" Mom asks with tears in her eyes. "Yeah that's how I convinced her to come but Mom are you okay? You're crying"

   "I'm fine it's just.. that was her father's favorite too" she says smiling. I smiled back but didn't ask anymore questions because I know life before Dad was a sore subject. "Alright well let's get started ladies" I say as I clap my hands together.

    We were in the kitchen for about an hour before we headed to our rooms to get ready. I'm looking in my closet for my favorite dress. I know she won't care what I wear but I still can't help wanting to impress her. "Found it" I say as I start to put the dress on. I fix my makeup quickly and head downstairs. I see my mom already in the dining room setting the table. She's adjusting each plate to look exactly right. "Mom you need to relax" I say.

  She looks up at me. "I know but I just want this to go well. We owe it to her after how badly we fucked it up last time" she says while frowning. "Well things are going to go great and one day that will be just a funny story to tell" She takes a deep breath. "Okay hopefully you're right"

   "Oh I just remembered did you tell the guards to let her in?" I ask. "Oh yeah I definitely told them" she replied. I look at my mom with a straight face. "You threatened them didn't you?" I ask even though I know she already did. "That's not important but what is important is that it's 6:25 so she'll be here any minute!" She says as she runs to the bottom of the staircase. "Everyone get your asses down here now!" She yells. Just then Dad and Lorenzo come down. "Is she here yet?!" Lorenzo asks excitedly. "Not yet but she'll be here any minute. I notified the guards to let her in." Mom says.

   As she says that there is a knock at the door. "Omg that's her!" I squeal as I run to the door and open it. I see Kehlani, Jade and Hazel standing there with nervous smiles. "Hi" she says as I motion for them to come in. The minute she steps inside I can't help myself so I wrap my arms around her. "Omg I'm so glad you came!" I say still hugging her tightly. She seems a little hesitant at first but she hugs me back. "I'm glad I'm here too" she says.

God please let this dinner go well.


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