Chapter 7: Don't fuck with me

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        I'm walking out the door heading to the hotel when I hear "Hey baby how about you come home with me?" I roll my eyes and sigh. It's the same loser from the dance floor except now he seems even more drunk. "No, now get lost creep!"

      "Oh come on baby don't be like that. We can have some fun." I sigh louder this time and turn around getting right into his face. "I'm gonna warn you once leave me the fuck alone you piece of shit!" I turn back around and start walking again. "Don't walk away from me you little bitch-" he says as he puts his hand on my shoulder to try and stop me from walking. Big mistake.

     I tightly grab his wrist and twist it around as I turn facing towards him. While he's still looking at me shocked I punch him in the throat. As he bends over holding his throat gasping for air I grab the back of his head and slam it down as I knee him in the face. I hear his nose crack which makes me smile. He drops to his knees grabbing his face. "Ahh! I think you broke my nose you bitch!"

    I smile and slowly circle him like an animal stalking it's prey. I let out an evil empty laugh. I can see the fear in his eyes. "Judging by the cracking noise it made and all the blood gushing out I'd say I DEFINITELY broke your nose." I stand behind him and pull out my knife. I grab him by the hair and yank his head back & hold the knife to his throat.

   "Please I'm sorry! Just let me go!" He says in between sobs. I roll my eyes. "How pathetic. You prey on drunk girls then cry like a bitch when one fights back." I yell. "Please don't kill me I promise I won't ever do it again!" I lean in and whisper in his ear "You better not cuz if I find out you have I'll come back for you, cut off your dick and make you eat it." He bursts into a full sob. Tears running down his cheeks. "Do you understand me?" I say as I press the knife just a little harder to his throat. He whimpers again and barely manages to get out "Yes I understand I won't do it ever again! I'm so sorry please just let me go!" He begs.

      "Alright I'll let you go." I say as I take the knife a little further from his throat. I hear him let out a breath of relief. I lean in pressing the knife hard to his throat again. He gasps. "Just remember our little agreement cuz that wasn't a threat it was a promise." He nods his head. "Yes I'll remember!" I push him forward and he falls to the ground & immediately gets up and takes off running. "What an idiot" I say as I start walking to the hotel again. Little did I know someone was watching that whole time.

    I check my phone & see three missed calls from the girls. Uh oh they're not gonna like hearing this I see a shortcut we didn't notice on the way here so I hurry into the alley and call them back. "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN WE KEPT CALLING AND YOU DIDN'T ANSWER?!" I pulled my ear from the phone. Wow Hazel can be loud. "I'm sorry I had to deal with something real quick. I'll tell you when I get there I'm only 2 minutes away now. See you soon." I say as I hang up.

      I open our hotel room door and Hazel and Jade immediately run up to me. They're both already in their pajamas. "So what happened? What did you have to take care of?" I told them everything and they both looked shocked. "Omg I can't believe that asshole! I want to go back and kick his ass again!" Jade yelled. "Yeah that's it no more going off by yourself all three of us are sticking together from now on!" Yelled Hazel.

    I laughed at how overprotective they were being but I couldn't blame them because I'm the same way about them. "Ok I promise I won't go anywhere by myself anymore" Hazel looks at me skeptically. "Ok but I am glad you kicked that perverts ass. He'll definitely think twice about doing that!" She laughed. "Yeah he probably pissed his pants. I bet he's still crying!" Jade said joining in on the laughter.

   "Yeah well I think that's enough excitement for one night. Let's head to bed." Hazel yawns & says "Good idea. Night girls." "Goodnight" we both say back. As we climb in bed. We have two queen size beds. Hazel and Jade are sharing a bed and I have the other one to myself but we agreed to trade who gets the bed to themselves each night. I take off my dress and sleep in my bra and underwear. As soon as my head hits the pillow I'm sound asleep.

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