Chapter 12: Taking a chance

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"I think that's a good idea" Hazel says. Jade looks at me "Maybe if we talk about the pros and cons it will help you decide" I sigh. "I guess that could work" "Ok so first pros of staying" I sigh again. "Well I guess a pro would be that I can get to know my brother and sister & they would also help find my parents killer."

"Ok and cons?" Jade asks. "A con would be that I'd have to talk to Isabella. I'd also be putting myself and you two in danger by getting involved with them. Plus we already have a life back in Michigan. I can't just drop everything and stay here for God knows how long. I especially can't ask you two to stay with me."

"Kehlani don't worry about us. We're in this together. Don't think about other people this is about what you want." Hazel says. "Exactly and as for everything back home Elijah is taking good care of the bar and if there's any problems me & Hazel can fly out there and then come back. We'd be more than happy to stay here for you. I know if the roles were reversed you would do this for us" Jade says as she smiles at me. Wow. My best friends really are amazing and they're right I would do this for them.

"I love you guys" I say as I start crying. They walk over to me and we all hug. "We love you too" they both say. When we pull apart I wipe my tears. "Ok guys I think I want to stay.." Hazel and Jade both smile. "I'm glad to hear that." Jade says. I nod my head. "I still feel kind of overwhelmed though. I don't really know where to start."

"Well I'll cancel our flight and I think you should text Adriana and let her know we're staying." Jade says. "Oh god." I say as I take a deep breath. The thought of texting her is making me feel anxious. "You're right I guess I have to. Ok I'm gonna do it." I pull my phone out of my back pocket and just stare at it. "Kehlani?" Hazel says trying to get my attention. I look up at her. "What?" She gives me a worried look. "You've just been staring at the blank screen for 3 minutes now." Woah have I really? I didn't realize it had been that long.

"Oh sorry I guess I just spaced out" I say. "Don't be sorry just text her when you're ready. There's no rush okay?" I look at her and nod. "Ok you're right thank you" She smiles at me and walks away. I look at my phone again. "Ok Kehlani you can do this" I say to myself quietly. I put in my passcode and go to my texts. I grab the piece of paper Adriana gave me and type in the number.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Text Convo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kehlani: "Hey Adriana it's Kehlani. I just wanted to let you know that I've decided to stay."

I get a text back almost immediately.

Adriana: That's so great thank you! Would you like to come to our house for dinner tonight? We can get to know each other better.

I don't know if I'm ready to have dinner with them. As I'm thinking another text comes through.

Adriana: I can have our chef make anything you like.

Kehlani: Even Shrimp Alfredo pasta with cheesy garlic bread?

Omg I'm such a fat ass.

Adriana: Of course. That's one of my favorites too. So will you come? You can bring Jade and Hazel too.

Kehlani: Ok we'll be there.

Adriana: Great! Dinner starts at 6:30. Our address is 8496 Spaulding Ave. I'll let the guards know to let you in. Just give your name at the gate.

Woah I keep forgetting how rich these guys are.

Kehlani: Okay see you then.

~~~~~~~~~~~~End of text convo~~~~~~~~~~~~

I look up to see the girls already looking at me. "Well looks like we have dinner plans. She invited us to dinner at their house. It starts at 6:30." I say with a nervous smile. They both look excited. Jade runs up to me and hugs me. "Yay I'm so happy for you"

"Yeah I really think this will be good for you babe" Hazel says. "Ok well we have 2 hours until dinner starts so I'm gonna get in the shower" Jade says as she sprints to the bathroom. "Oh you bitch I wanted to get in first!" Hazel says chasing after her but Jades already locked the door. I start laughing and Hazel rolls her eyes. "I don't like either of you right now" she says as she pouts. "Oh cheer up we all have plenty of time to get ready. Plus we have a delicious dinner to look forward to."

"Yeah that's true. So are you ready to see everyone again?" she asks. "Honestly not really. I'm super nervous but at least I know it can't go worse than last time. Also they're making my favorite meal so I'm trying to focus on that to distract myself" I say. "Well we're gonna be with you so don't worry. You got this." she says.

Jade walks out of the bathroom in a towel and Hazel immediately gets up and runs to the bathroom. Jade goes to her suit case and starts looking through her clothes. "Ugh that reminds me. What the hell am I going to wear?!" I jump up and start looking through my clothes. "I mean what the fuck do you wear when you're going to meet your birth mother and half siblings who are all in the mafia at their mansion for dinner?!" I say as I look at Jade frantically.

"Ok I'm gonna be honest. I have no idea." She says. "Ugh you're no help" Just as I say that Hazel walks out of the bathroom. "Hazel I have no idea what to wear!" "Ok relax maybe just something casual but cute. Oh actually I have a sundress you could wear that'd be perfect!" she says. I turn and look at Jade. "See. That's how you be helpful" I say giggling. Jade rolls her eyes and Hazel just laughs and flips her hair.

Hazel reaches into her suitcase. "Here you go" she says as she tosses the sundress at me. I catch it and hold it up. "Wow this is cute." I get undressed and try it on. "You look gorgeous babe" "Yeah Kehlani it looks great on you"

"Thank you" I say as I look at myself in the mirror.

  Trying to keep it casual I put on my light blue converse and a jean jacket

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Trying to keep it casual I put on my light blue converse and a jean jacket. I start to put on my makeup while Jade and Hazel finish getting dressed. I put on a little concealer and some light brown eyeshadow. I add some mascara and a clear lip gloss.

When I'm finished I see that the girls are ready too. I look at the clock. 6:00 pm. "Ok I googled it and it takes 20 mins to get there and I don't want to be late so let's go." We walk out and take the elevator to the lobby. We head towards the parking lot and get in the car. This time I'm driving. "Alright let's do this" I say as I fasten my seat belt. We drive the 20 mins and soon arrive. I can see the mansion from here and it's HUGE. "Whoa" we all say simultaneously. I pull up to the gate.

Well here goes nothing.

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